More job angst. I know. It's pitiful.

Aug 05, 2011 16:58

 Hey guys,

Looking for advice again. So my time in the Bahamas is almost up, and I need to figure out what to do next. I really want to travel and do more exciting field work, and make a living doing something I love, but I’m also in debt up to my neck in loans. My advisor sent me a posting for a lab tech job from someone he knows, and I figured it ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

pos_sess_ed August 5 2011, 23:41:58 UTC
Hi Tally!

I'm so glad you're having such a wonderful, fulfilling time doing something you love right now. It's empowering to run off somewhere and see that, yes... you CAN make it all work! Nothing happened that you couldn't handle!

As for this employment opportunity, I say take it. You don't have anything else lined up right now, you need to build up the job experience side of your resume, it's only for a year, and you can pay down your loans. Use the year to put out feelers for something in an area you're more interested in.

Anyway, that's what I would do. Good luck, and congratulations on being offered a paid position! :)


luxken27 August 6 2011, 00:59:47 UTC
I've been in your position, up to and including the state-hate. I live in my home state, but I also work for basically the best employer *in* the state so that mitigates it somewhat because basically, I'm doing the best I can with what I have to work with. Would I rather be somewhere else? Yes. But bills have to be paid, so here I am. Baby steps, my friend. Baby steps.

Look - if your dream is even tangentially related to academia, then

do data analysis, write papers, keep the lab running

IS WHAT GETS YOU AHEAD IN ACADEMIA. Trust me on this. You want to save the world, but to get into that position, you need experience. This is a one-year gig, it's not the end of the world, and it could quite possibly be a stepping stone to your dream. Hell, you might even enjoy it!

This is your field, even if it's not exactly what you wanted to do. (Again - been there.) It's either this, or part-time retail hell. I really don't see what's difficult about this choice...


chaoticgood0405 August 6 2011, 11:16:14 UTC
Take the job! It is only for a year, is real money, and will look lovely on your resume. You are sick of your state, but you may end up somewhere worse...and there are lots of worse places. You can still work on your happiness where you are.

And for no other reason, there are practically no jobs out there and I think its only going to get worse.


imanewme August 6 2011, 18:52:09 UTC

Take. The. Job.

It will lead to the next one. Soak up all the lessons you can from the experience, be the best damn employee, and devote some time to the job hunt along the way. Tell people you're looking. Say nothing about hating MA; the more positive you are, the better. Save the work bitching and state hate for us... Your not work related friends.

Take the job. Seriously. You almost talked yourself out of going to the Bahamas, and a) you love it, b) you got a chance to sort out you head away from home, and most importantly, c) it lead to this opportunity.

This job can lead you closer to your dream. Don't miss the opportunity. Take it. Please.


imanewme August 6 2011, 19:01:10 UTC

Addendum: you will have time for life. You can be happy in this job. You're not missing out on life unless you choose to. Not choosing is a choice.


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