
Apr 11, 2013 22:36

I procrastinate. It's what I do when I don't want to do what I need to do, which is *really* often ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

dmacabre April 12 2013, 07:58:27 UTC
That was good, but geez, major downer. :-/ Do you watch The Walking Dead, by any chance? I don't, but it has a similar feel, going by the first episode.


tallulah99 April 12 2013, 14:54:42 UTC
I've seen the first season of The Walking Dead, but I'm not current. Zombies are not my favorite supernatural creeper, but I can enjoy a well done incarnation. I thought this was spectacularly well done. It has stayed on my mind for a surprising amount of time considering how short it was. It's the little details that got me - the balloon to make them more visible, her name in sharpie on her belly, the people burying his body rather than leaving him there - God, it still makes me tear up.

I definitely thought it was sad, but I found it more touching than depressing. Isn't it funny how something like that can touch your heart? Or maybe it's just PMS, who knows:)


dmacabre April 12 2013, 20:39:53 UTC
You know me and my tiny, shriveled husk of a heart. *g*

Even I will admit it's moving, though... and zombies are probably my least favorite paranormal trend.


enigmaticblues April 12 2013, 13:15:34 UTC
Wow. That was very good. Depressing as hell, but good.


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