An open letter to the GOP

Aug 30, 2013 19:06

Dear GOP,

I know you talk the talk of "freedom" and "liberty" but I am not sure those words mean what you think they mean.
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unions, conservatism, drugs

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kylinrouge August 31 2013, 02:02:14 UTC
Your mistake is taking them at their word. What they stand for and what they claim to stand for are two different things.


kylinrouge August 31 2013, 14:56:27 UTC
Well, you know what happens when you assume...


sandwichwarrior August 31 2013, 16:38:39 UTC
I all I assumed was that you fall to the left of the political spectrum and hold your opposite number in a certain amount of contempt.

Am I wrong?


mahnmut August 31 2013, 16:56:21 UTC
Nah, "falling to the left" wasn't exactly how it sounded. It sounded as if they were some kind of Obama-mega-fans who'd support Mr Messiah-President no matter what. Or something.


sandwichwarrior August 31 2013, 17:45:38 UTC
Fair enough, my apologies then.

I suppose I was still harboring a certain amount of resentment towards the professor who called me a murderer to my face suddenly deciding yesterday that unilaterally bombing Muslims is awesome when the president has a D after his name. Kylinrouge caught the back-blast.

I'm also fed up with the whole, Conservatives don't have an ideology they're just in it to win it meme. Social and Fiscal Conservatives have at least reached agreement on the fragility of social order and the basic nature of objectivist dilemmas, if not the solutions.


mahnmut August 31 2013, 18:41:09 UTC
Nah, they sure do have an ideology. If they were in it just to win it, then they've been doing a horrible job. ;-)

Being the bloody pinko leftie(TM) that I am, I actually think conservatives (at least fiscal conservatives) do raise some legitimate concerns. It's just the proposed approach of addressing these issues that I have, well, an issue with. I don't think they're despicable persons (or murderers, to that matter), it's just that the tools they're suggesting that society uses to tackle its problems would be, I believe, more harmful in the long run than useful. And here I'm obviously generalizing quite blatantly.


geezer_also August 31 2013, 20:07:43 UTC
Ah, if only more people on the left (not even bloody pinko lefties(TM), since we really don't expect rational thought from you guys ;P) would think that way, we could probably have more nice things.


mahnmut September 1 2013, 14:59:31 UTC
Oh, but don't be expecting me to stop making fun of you guys any time soon!


404 August 31 2013, 19:14:28 UTC
A professor in real life called you a murderer?


sandwichwarrior August 31 2013, 19:29:02 UTC
My Lit prof is a child of the 60s and told me that my failure to become a conscientious objector during my time in made me complicit in the murder of thousands.

I bit my tongue because aside from the monumental idiocy of the man's politics I actually enjoy his class.


404 August 31 2013, 20:04:22 UTC
This prof seems very unprofessional, regardless of their ability to teach their content.


sandwichwarrior August 31 2013, 20:27:56 UTC
I would agree but mine is not to reason why. ;)


404 August 31 2013, 20:31:31 UTC
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die


sandwichwarrior August 31 2013, 20:37:55 UTC
Yup, or in this case, get the grade and move on. ;)

I'm sure the Deans would be horrified to know that I'm taking all the "wrong" lessons from Britain's imperialist period.


geezer_also August 31 2013, 19:49:25 UTC
I take that as sarcasm rather than incredulity :D,

It reminds me of the discussion a couple of years back where several people proclaimed as myth Vietnam vets being called baby killers, and I had to choose whether to believe them or my "lying ears" since I remembered more than one professor saying it in '69 and '70.


enders_shadow August 31 2013, 22:38:33 UTC
What do you call people who support the military industrial complex?

I'm gonna go on record:

Left to their own devices, good people will do good things and bad people will do bad things
It takes religion, or the State, to make good people do bad things.

The military and the police are the worst of those. (no, not all military or police are bad people, that's the point of the quote! good people will push buttons that end lives, lives that include but are not limited to unarmed civilian children, and killing unarmed civilian children is bad)


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