An open letter to the GOP

Aug 30, 2013 19:06

Dear GOP,

I know you talk the talk of "freedom" and "liberty" but I am not sure those words mean what you think they mean.

I know that in the US House there are a number of bills to start the end of the war on drugs. The best of these bills, IMO, is the one that would legalize and tax pot (the safest of the illegal drugs) and treat it like it was alcohol. I know that Ron Paul, if he was still in the house, would join in this. As it currently stands, the six sponsers of the bill are all democrats.

I'm sure you understand, as the party of "freedom" and "liberty" that my personal decision to put a substance into my body is my decision; my smoking of pot is like my swinging of my fist--I am free to do it until I hit your nose. And if that should happen? Arrest me for hitting your nose!--not for smoking pot.

So please dear GOP, end the drug war.

I know that there are those of you in the GOP who absolutely HATE unions. You think they drive up prices, drive jobs overseas and are corrupt. Well I am not going to argue with you on those points (don't take that to mean I think you are correct, but I am simply not going to argue about them)
I am, once again, going by your playbook of freedom and liberty.

I should be allowed to join any organization I want--that includes, but is not limited to, a trade union.
Any GOP member that thinks we need to OUTLAW unions and to eliminate their collective bargaining power is impinging upon my freedom! I deserve to be FREE and be permitted to bargain with my coworkers.

Please GOP, end the war on unions.

I am about to open what is possibly the nastiest can of worms in American politics--abortion.
I understand the POV that life begins at conception--I disagree but I understand.
I understand that once you have that premise (and we all share premise #2, that ending human life is bad, and when it must be done requires justification) and the second premise, then you start to see abortion as murder; nobody supports murder.

While I understand your position I do not agree with it; I am not going to ask you to stop fighting against abortion--that would be like you asking me to stop fighting against murder. I am going to say this: try to understand the other side. Understand that millions of people DO NOT think life begins at conception and thus abortion is not murder. Calling people who support abortion murderers does nothing but make the issue impossible to discuss.

Please GOP, stop calling those who disagree with you murderers (or anti-christs, or nazis)

Oh, and as a parting message. Can anyone explain to me why the GOP of Arkansas gives a fuck about tattoo's and body modification? The Arkansas legislature has passed a bill (SB 387) that outlaws scarification. Never heard of that before? It's like a tattoo, but without the ink.

You know, I could go on, and ask you about the concept of freedom and liberty that comes into play with restrictive voter ID laws and the elimination of election day registration, but it's friday, and I need a drink.

But really GOP, all I want is for you to sober up. It's way more fun to have a real debate with real thinkers than with the drunk as fuck TEA party (which, btw, has admitted to engaging in politics, making the IRS thing a non-issue, since they were just doing their damned jobs)

unions, conservatism, drugs

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