The Odessa fire

May 05, 2014 19:40

Anyone surprised that there isn't much news of this, and the little that's reported at all, mostly fails to mention the people surrounded and burned alive were pro-Russians? -->

The other day, dozens of pro-Russian protesters retreated to a Trade Union building from a mob of armed right-wing extremists, and as the latter surrounded the building they set it on fire. Some of the people inside tried to jump out but got beaten up - some, to death. 30+ people died inside from smoke inhalation, or severe burnings.

This is a rather significant incident, wouldn't you say? But I guess since it makes Kiev look bad, the Western media has preferred to ignore it, or rather mention it with half a mouth. I know the following outlet is pro-Putin (RT) so the commentary should be taken with a huge grain of salt due to the expected spin, but still the footage does speak for itself:

From the related news article:

"At least 38 anti-government activists died in fire at Odessa's Trade Unions House after suffocating with smoke or jumping out of windows of the burning building, Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported. The building was set ablaze by the pro-Kiev radicals. Some 50 people, including 10 police officers, were also injured in the incident, the official statement said. It was not immediately clear whether those injured in Friday street clashes in Odessa were included in those numbers."

So there you have it, folks. Civilians being killed in swaths. That's not only what the Russians have probably been eagerly waiting for, but will most likely be the straw that breaks the camel's back and trigger an Anschluss "in defense of the Russian minority" (we all know the game too well, don't we). Makes you wonder at this point if one of the two sides isn't somehow orchestrating these events in order to escalate the situation even further. Only time will tell. We've also witnessed Putin's blatant lying pattern when he first denied having sent Russian troops to Crimea, only to then admit having sent troops to take over Crimea. So Vladimir Pinocchio shouldn't be trusted, we all know that.

That said, the pictures from the incident were ghastly (warning: graphic), as desperate protesters tried to claw their way out of the building while being burned alive. Also disturbing are the pics of young girls merrily preparing Molotov cocktails that were then being thrown into the building. I'm not sure if anyone down on the street realizes that these cheerful girls are now accomplices to mass murder. Was anyone held accountable? How d'you think?

Not much better was the US media coverage of the savage event (where available at all). Even when a 25 minute video that's readily available online clearly demonstrated what really happened in Odessa and who exactly was responsible for the incineration of scores of unarmed protesters (despite the ridiculous claim of the local police that the people who had locked themselves inside somehow incidentally killed themselves by fire), the US media all yielded to the State Department line that refused to pin any blame on the pro-Kiev mob that's now being supported by Washington:

"The events in Odesa that led to the deadly fire in the Trade Union Building dramatically underscore the need for an immediate de-escalation of tensions in Ukraine. The violence and efforts to destabilize the country must end." -- Department of State release.

Quite a contrast to their stance on the February events when there was ample evidence that much of the violence was actually committed by the Maidan protesters themselves, the US still hastened to put all the blame on the Yanukovych government. A typical nuance blindness, or rather a deliberate bias? I leave the verdict to you.

As for the false-flag option (I'm looking at you, Vladimir Pinocchio), you know what all this reminds me of?

"The Reichstag fire was an arson attack on the Reichstag building in Berlin on 27 February 1933. Marinus van der Lubbe, a young Dutch council communist and unemployed bricklayer who had recently arrived in Germany to fulfill his dream and to engage in political activities, was caught at the scene and after admitting starting the fire was sentenced to death. The fire was used as evidence by the Nazis that the Communists were plotting against the German government and the event is seen as pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany."

History repeating itself, mayhaps? Yet another false-flag, now Ukraine getting the taste of this poisonous medicine? I guess we just wait and see.

Unfortunately, I don't expect either the West or Russia to stop playing these bullshit power games before Ukraine completely descends into civil war, any time soon. When the media and our polticians were wetting themselves over the "pro-democracy" protesters in Kiev, some more sober voices were trying to raise the alarm about the strong strain of violent ultra-nationalism amongst those at the forefront of the so called "Euro-Maidan", and warn that it could lead to a Yugoslavia-style bloodbath. Those were duly howled down as Kremlin stooges. But those who were still able to see through the blatant propaganda the gullible public was being fed, could clearly see that the violent overthrow of Yanukovych by the Ukrainian nationalists was going to cause deep disquiet in the Russian speaking parts of the country - and that Putin would be all too eager to merrily stir that particular pot to tilt the scales in Russia's favor and get an excuse to play out what's been obviously shaping up as a meticulously pre-planned operation that went remarkably smoothly. And now we have these horrible events - and a situation that seems like it's quickly spinning out of control, at least from an ignorant Western perspective.

The West has chosen to take a stance, and that stance is firmly in support of these murderers. Not saying it should've been the other way around (which would've been ridiculous: the West, supporting pro-Russian elements in a fiercely contested geopolitical area of the Grand Pie? Come on, what about Brzezinski's chess-game!?). And definitely not saying a hands-off approach would've been any better. Let's face it, it's a lose-lose situation for all involved, and the so called "international community" has taken a side, and is going to have to find all sorts of lame justifications for holding to it, no matter what horrible atrocities their chosen side happens to commit. Unless we'd like to see some integrity on part of our politicians, and consistency of principle in demanding those responsible for that atrocity to be held accountable, no matter which side they're on. But, like I said, you'll have to forgive me if I don't hold my breath about it even for a second.

media, ukraine, russia, civil war

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