Putin's true mind process

May 06, 2014 23:56

For someone who's going out of their way to create the airs about themselves that they don't give a pigeon's dropping about what others (certainly international rivals) think of him, Putin does seem to have invested waaay too much effort and funds into creating a network of his own propaganda mouthpieces around the English-speaking Internet outlets, hasn't he?

Almost makes you think for some reason he actually cares how he's being perceived, mhmm?

Well, although he may pretend that he does not, when we scratch the surface, we'd soon realise Russia is hugely dependent on the business it does internationally. So far the "sanctions" have really been non-sanctions at all, come to think of it, but if things go rough and the West hits where it'd hurt most economically (halting resource trade, diversifying its energy sources thus shutting markets to Russia, forcing it to look for ways to shift eastwards where China would be hardly very hospitable to a new incoming rival, etc etc), then Putin is truly screwed. I've said it before and I'm sorry that I may repeat myself here: he has enjoyed so much support domestically only because he's been able to consistently provide what the Russian establishment and middle-class needs and wants. The moment he's deprived of the tools to keep doing it, he's a done deal.

So he does actually care how he's being perceived internationally, because the alternative would be a suicide. As usually happens with these sort of Dear Leaders, it's important to watch their hands rather than listen to the words that come pouring from their mouth. The fact he first denied having sent any troops to Crimea, before eventually admitting it outright, is a testament to that principle.

The type of response the West is prepared to deliver to all that, and its willingness to do certain sacrifices for the sake of making an actual point that would really resonate with Russia, is entirely up to them.

economy, russia, putin's downhill slide

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