Friday booze!

Oct 04, 2013 09:41

Well, fellow chronic drunkards decent folks, sounds like we got famous!

The BBC is at it again! Waving their moralistic-preachy righteous indignation into our face!

The full piece:

Now, I won't waste your time rambling about who ordered said documentary, what their agenda was, whether it presented things in a fair way (the comment sections speak for themselves), and who wins and who loses from such a development.

Funny thing is, the journalists who did this piece seem to truly believe they're making, as the PC term goes, "constructive criticism", while what some at this side of the tourism business divide are calling, "an intentional smearing campaign". But let me remind you folks that there's nothing like bad publicity. There's just... you know, publicity. If the BBC "investigators" truly believed/hoped their investigation would make Western (British?) youngsters think twice before going to booze heaven aka Sunny Beach, I'd say they don't know shit about how youngsters' brains operate. Sooo... expect the number of drunken tourists crawling on all fours along the Sunny Beach alleys at night to double next summer! All the while, vacating all the remaining parts of our amazing coast for the, you know, more normal folks who want to get something out of their experience that goes beyond drinking one's fill with cheap booze and then vomiting it all on the pavement. Win-win. Hoorah?

And while we're at it, and because it's Friday, here's a glimpse of the "decent" Western youth who definitely behave themselves just right when they're not spending that extra week off at our depraved but utterly irresistible Black Sea coast. Generously compiled for your convenience by a site that aptly calls itself Embarrassing Night Club Photos. Enjoy if you can!

What A Special Family!

So Romantic!

"How The F**k Did I End Up Here??"


No Shame!

What's Going On Here Then?

Looks Like He's Had One Too Many!

Don't Do Drugs!!

Taking The Song "Pass Out" To New Levels...

The Party Was Raving!

We Know Who Wears The Trousers!

Read The Badge???

Set Of Dogs...


Mind you, I did spare you some of the more unbeaeable crap. In some cases, quite literally.

And now, reality strikes back.

The overall conclusion: the BBC movie is in fact a scathing verdict on the mindless drunken oblivion of the British youth, and is entirely Britain's problem. Alcohol really forgives no one. In fact, turns out, as filming proceeded, a number of British tour operators had personally met with the investigator and asked them to please leave their hotels and urged them not to reveal to the British public what their youth really looks like. As the larger picture reveals, the problem is not with Sunny Beach, or Phuket, or any other such place; the problem is with the scum that goes there to get wasted.

balkans, offtopic, uk, nonsense

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