Monthly Topic

Mar 01, 2012 20:28

Hey all! Now that Big Brother has released his grip on us somewhat, and Police State month is over (looks over shoulder), it's time to see what you guys chose to be the Monthly Topic for March:

Money In Politics

I wouldn't call that a surprise, eh? With the GOP primaries speeding up and Obama preparing to get into election mode, I guess there couldn't be a more relevant topic. So here's what it could include:

- Political campaigning: organization, activism, campaign ethics and campaign management.
- Campaign financing: private and public; regulation of campaign financing.
- Campaign finance reform; current proposals for reform.
- Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission.
- Modern technology and the internet in political campaigning.
- Negative political ads: use and effect, risks and consequences.
- Discrediting tactic, political scandal, smear campaign, dirty tricks, libel.
- The presumptive nominee, the front-runner, and the role of money.
- PACs and super-PACs: history and controversy.
- Public disclosure of donor lists.
- Vote rigging, vote buying and electoral fraud.
- The money trail: special interest groups, nonprofit organizations, advocacy groups.
- The Iron Triangle: Congress, Bureaucracy, Interest Group.
- Lobbying: inside vs outside lobbying. Law firms and lobbying firms.
- Big business and politicians - connections, favors, backing, funding.
- Grass-roots activism and political campaigning. Mass meetings, rallies and protests.
- Clean money, clean elections and voter-owned elections.
- Independent expenditure.
- Issue advocacy ads.
- Political donations and election funding around the world.

And here's the poll for April.

Poll Monthly topic

(Feel free to suggest more).

poll, topic

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