Inflamatory post inflames.

Feb 29, 2012 23:14

So, I came upon this article.

Here is a newspaper article about it for those of you who don't want to bother reading a whole journal article. And by "those of you," I mean, "everyone."

I have a couple questions that will hopefully stir a little debate and flog a horse already deader than Eohippus.

1. I say, "Why not?" The conclusion seems to follow from the premise. If we are allowed to kill humans who are not people and if fetuses are not people, and if newborns are not distinguishable from fetuses in any meaningful way, then newborns aren't people, either. Therefore, we can kill them, following the rule that while killing people is wrong, killing some humans is A-OK. QED

2. It appears that the authors are quite sincere. Deathly serious, actually. Nevertheless, it seems to me, and some others, that this article works just as well, if not better, when considered as a Modest Proposal. Does satire have to be conscious? Or is unconscious satire just as good, if not better? Having read plenty of State of the Union speeches in my day, I think this point is hardly debatable.

In before, "death penalty hypocrisy," "killing Iraqi babies," and "if men gave birth, abortion would be a sacrament."

article, abortion, recommended

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