New Smallville Vid: "Velvet Revolution" (Tess Mercer)

Nov 02, 2008 19:31

Instead of doing all of the vidukon stuff I have pending, I've done this. I'm a bad, bad girl. *eg*

Song: Velvet Revolution
Artist: Tori Amos
Fandom: Smallville
Character: Tess Mercer
Summary: The bomb of the season is a velvet revolution.
Spoiler warnings: Season 8 episodes 1 through 7.

Velvet Revolution, 39MB WMV file.
Velvet Revolution, 25MB AVI (Read more... )

smallville music vid

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Comments 48

tasabian November 3 2008, 02:32:36 UTC
That's lovely! Tori Amos is a perfect fit for Tess because they're both sexy, intense red heads, and the precision of the song, and your tight edits, fit tightly-wound Tess to a T. I love how you had Tess mirroring Lex (and that you included the Clex scene from "Arctic", which always squeezes my heart.)

Well done! If Cassidy Freeman self-googles (and she does seem to be checking out fan boards) she will be so delighted with this vid!


talitha78 November 3 2008, 19:11:49 UTC
Tori Amos is a perfect fit for Tess because they're both sexy, intense red heads

Wow, I hadn't even made that connection, but now that you mention it, it is perfect!

precision of the song, and your tight edits, fit tightly-wound Tess to a T

Oh, thank you. I did want to show the feeling of compressed energy I get from her at all times.

I love how you had Tess mirroring Lex (and that you included the Clex scene from "Arctic", which always squeezes my heart.)

I have to confess, I was very, very lazy when it came to the Lex footage. I knew I wanted to make the comparison, but I couldn't be bothered to go rip my season 7 discs. Thank goodness for that "previously on Smallville" blurb right at the beginning of 8.01. I mined it for every scrap of Lex-y goodness.


svgurl November 3 2008, 04:07:07 UTC
Wow! that's really great! I loved the comparisons between Lex and Tess. You chose the perfect song for her and the clips went so smoothly with the lyrics. :)

Wonderful job!


talitha78 November 3 2008, 19:13:58 UTC
Thank you so much!

You chose the perfect song for her and the clips went so smoothly with the lyrics.

I love this song. I hadn't heard it in a while, and then it came up in my iPod shuffle a week ago, and I immediately knew it was a Tess song.


mahaliem November 3 2008, 05:24:45 UTC
I loved this!


talitha78 November 3 2008, 19:14:18 UTC
I'm so glad. Thank you!!


grimorie November 3 2008, 07:55:01 UTC
Oh, this is fabulous. Tess is awesome, its no wonder Lex chose Tess (Mercy). It's no wonder Team Lane and Kent have such a hard time bringing down the Luthor empire.


talitha78 November 3 2008, 19:24:39 UTC
Thank you!!

Tess is awesome

Isn't she just? Can you tell I'm a little obsessed with her gorgeous eyes? Perhaps I was too subtle in the vid? ;)


grimorie February 12 2009, 03:57:22 UTC
Wanted to stop by again because I re-watched this vid and I have to admit my undying love for this. It is THE definitive Tess vid.

It's just so her from start to finish and when she uncovered Lex's desk, the way she stared at the Luthor crest with such... fascination and hope(?), that's when the vid really hit its pinnacle for me. I also love the off kilter tone of this vid and the hints of Russian because... (for me) not only is Tess Luthorian but she has that mix of Russian-ness about her, that remind me so much of the Tsars of old, if that makes any kind of sense.

I'm so compelled to link to the YouTube version every time I talk about Tess (Tess has become my second favorite in SV) on my LJ! Seriously, that's how much I love your vid!


talitha78 February 13 2009, 02:30:59 UTC
It is THE definitive Tess vid.

Wow, thanks!

not only is Tess Luthorian but she has that mix of Russian-ness about her, that remind me so much of the Tsars of old, if that makes any kind of sense.

Oh, what an interesting comparison. I can totally see Tess as a ruthless tsarina. :)

I'm so glad you enjoyed the vid to this extent--it warms the cockles of my heart. :)


ferdalump November 3 2008, 09:10:03 UTC
Very nicely done (as usual.) The song is perfect and I loved the parallels you drew between she and Lex.

:) Great job!


talitha78 November 3 2008, 19:28:04 UTC
Thank you!

The song is perfect and I loved the parallels you drew between she and Lex

I adored this song for Tess: it practically vidded itself. And I couldn't not make those comparisons to Lex. It's her relationship to Lex that is the most fascinating thing about her. :)


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