New Vid: "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" (Lois)

Jul 01, 2007 22:19

I made this vid as a surprise present for bop_radar, simply because K is super and she makes me happy. It also works out nicely as a companion piece to her series of Lois picspams. How convenient! :D ( Read more... )

smallville music vid

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Comments 107

yay! aftertherain July 2 2007, 04:12:51 UTC
Oh, this makes me smile like my face is gonna fall off.
Lois is pretty damn awesome, isn't she? I love the facial expressions you used, and the timing of the vid/song is wicked sassy. (Oh, Smallville, I've missed you.)

Completely kickass!


Re: yay! talitha78 July 2 2007, 14:40:05 UTC
Oh, this makes me smile like my face is gonna fall off.

Really? Aww, that makes me so happy!

Sassy is the perfect word for Lois, yes! She charmed me in spite of myself. :)

So glad you enjoyed it!


ferdalump July 2 2007, 04:14:26 UTC
Heeeeeee!!!!!!!! I love it!!! So great! Love the choice of song and quick cut clips. The bit with the bunny shoes made me laugh out loud. Great job. Thanks for showing Lois some love. :)


talitha78 July 2 2007, 14:57:15 UTC
Thank you!! The bunny slippers are too funny, aren't they? Lois in general is too funny (and fun to work with). :D


vibrantharmony July 2 2007, 04:52:38 UTC
Hey, I remember this song! I loved this song :D
Love the video - the pace is just so perfect. All that handshaking and punching! Who knew?


talitha78 July 2 2007, 15:10:42 UTC
I actually only first heard the song recently. But as soon as I heard it, I knew it would be perfect for Lois. And I didn't even like Lois at the time! :)

I'm glad you liked the pacing. I tried to make it "punchy". Harhar.


mkitty3 July 2 2007, 05:52:59 UTC
Hee. That was awesome. I despise the character and yet, you totally made me smile with this!


talitha78 July 2 2007, 15:11:14 UTC
Woo! I'm counting that as a personal triumph. Thank you!!


mahaliem July 2 2007, 05:59:26 UTC
That was such a great vid!

Also, I wanted to let you know that I think you did an amazing job with your Star Child vid, too.


talitha78 July 2 2007, 15:12:16 UTC
Thank you and thank you!!! So glad you're enjoying my work. :D


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