New Vid: "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" (Lois)

Jul 01, 2007 22:19

I made this vid as a surprise present for bop_radar, simply because K is super and she makes me happy. It also works out nicely as a companion piece to her series of Lois picspams. How convenient! :D ( Read more... )

smallville music vid

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Comments 107

bop_radar July 2 2007, 06:09:00 UTC
Wha... wha... what?!!!!!!! *blinks* I can't believe what I is seeing! There is a vid, a vid for ME!?! *cries happy tears* OMG, honey, you are the bestest person EVER!

But I'm at work! WOE! Hang on... *implements emergency vid-viewing plan* Back in a sec!


talitha78 July 2 2007, 15:57:31 UTC
Hee! Your reaction is everything I could have wished for, and more. \o/ I wanted it to come as a total surprise.


bop_radar July 2 2007, 06:15:55 UTC
EEeeeeeeeeeee!!!! *hugs you and twirls you around*

I'm so glad I have this icon, because it's the only appropriate response. The vid is SO MUCH MORE AWESOME THAN I COULD HAVE EVEN IMAGINED! Your flair for sexy fast cuts and your talent at humour suit Lois SO WELL!!! You have got her essence bottled! *g*

Her facial expressions are hilarious, and her body...Well, it's basically sheer perfection
*nods vehmently* Isn't she a classic?! She cracks me up so much, and she's so preeeeeettttty! :D I'm glad it wasn't complete torture, because omg, I don't know how I could ever vid a character I didn't really like--it is such a huge gift that you gave me! *wipes tear*

I can't tell you which bits I like best because I must watch it FIFTY MORE TIMES first! \o/ \o/ \o/ Eeeeeeeeee!!!


talitha78 July 3 2007, 00:18:14 UTC

Really? Eeeeee!!!! SO HAPPY NOW!

Your flair for sexy fast cuts and your talent at humour suit Lois SO WELL

Oooooo. I have flair. *glee*

Your flair for sexy fast cuts and your talent at humour suit Lois SO WELL

Six seasons of fun compressed into 2 minutes. Yep, distillation. :D

I'm glad it wasn't complete torture

Oh, it absolutely wasn't. In fact, this was a total blast to do. I love having only one character to focus on. Makes things very simple.

it is such a huge gift that you gave me

'Tis no more than you deserve, K. *hugs*

I must watch it FIFTY MORE TIMES

Yay!!! I love that you want to re-watch it and re-watch it. That's the best thanks I could ever receive.


talitha78 July 3 2007, 01:26:27 UTC
Ermmm. Here's what I meant to write:

You have got her essence bottled

Six seasons of fun compressed into 2 minutes. Yep, distillation. :D


bop_radar July 3 2007, 01:37:13 UTC
I have re-watched lots already. *g* I showed to my bf (he doesn't really 'get' vidding but he said 'very nice') and I watched it about 20 times last night and a couple more over breakfast. :D It is so very happy making and does not get old! I love the bunny slippers, I love the 'fingernails of justice', I love her snoop-sneaking around, I love the 'gets up early' bit (heee!), and the first 'jacket' made me LOL. All the eye-rolling and cute faces at the beginning are the perfect set-up to her character, before we get into the more active sequences. And I liked that you put a bit of her with Lex and Lionel in there. And playstation-ing! You put in playstation! \o/


mskatej July 2 2007, 06:55:33 UTC
THIS IS SO SO SO GOOD. I knew Boppy would love it!! *delighted*

It's just such a treat for all Lois fans, because you capture her funny, sexy side so well and with such humour. I adore it and you and Lois! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


talitha78 July 2 2007, 15:40:04 UTC
Thank you again, Kate! It means a lot to have your stamp of approval. And thanks for the rec, too. *happydances*


butterfly July 2 2007, 07:36:07 UTC
Oh, this is wonderful! Here via bop_radar's rec and I'm so glad she mentioned it, because this vid is pure gold. Distilled essence of Lois Lane. Lovely!


talitha78 July 2 2007, 15:42:20 UTC
this vid is pure gold. Distilled essence of Lois Lane.

How wonderful of you to say so. Thank you very much!!


serenography July 2 2007, 13:00:32 UTC
Another "classic" from you. You really captured a lot of the fun and appeal in this Lois Lane. LOVED IT!


talitha78 July 2 2007, 15:43:26 UTC
You really captured a lot of the fun and appeal in this Lois Lane.

Yay!! I'm so happy that you think so. I tried to really pack a lot of goodness in there. :) Thank you.


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