New Smallville Vid: "Star Child" for the Harlequin Challenge

Jun 12, 2007 20:50

Whew! This is one of the more difficult things I've ever attempted--historical AU vidding. And I have another one to go. What I get myself into. ;) danceswithgary, please be patient with me. Your vid is in the works, but I'm going to reward myself with an easier project before I tackle yours full-throttle. Watch this journal in the next couple of months. Sorry I ( Read more... )

smallville music vid

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Comments 63

svmadelyn June 13 2007, 02:27:17 UTC
Eee, that was awesome! For some reason, I really loved that horse running at the end there too.


talitha78 June 13 2007, 12:36:38 UTC
Thank you!! And you get super extra bonus points for noticing (and liking!) the credits. :D


ferdalump June 13 2007, 02:35:32 UTC
What a great vid! The music and imagery is just wonderful. I haven't read the story, but the vid certainly makes me want to. You built emotion and suspense very well, I love the transitions, dissolves, and images you chose. Great job. :)


talitha78 June 13 2007, 13:03:49 UTC
Thank you very much!! I'm thrilled that the vid makes you want to read the fic. That means I did my job. :)

You built emotion and suspense very well, I love the transitions, dissolves, and images you chose.

Thanks for the specific feedback. I did try some new stuff with fades, so it's cool that you noticed. My biggest technical advancement in this vid was actually color-matching, though. I tinkered quite a bit with Smallville's super-saturated colors. :)


ferdalump June 13 2007, 15:00:11 UTC
Oh yes, color matching against Smallville can be maddening. I always say when I am vidding it looks like the show is shot on the surface of the sun. It is so hard to tone down those bright, nearly overexposed shots, but you really managed to make the transitions seamless against the (dances with wolves?) footage. It is always a challenge when mixing shots from different shows/movies and try to make them appear as one fluid piece, but I can honestly say, they only way I knew you used footage other than Smallville is because I know the show like the back of my hand and am pretty sure there were never that many indian and horse shots. ;) You did an amazing job blending your sources, and from someone who knows how hard it is, KUDOS to you!

The music choice was also stellar. I need to start a Talitha playlist of music from your vids, because you always seem to pick perfect choice. :)


talitha78 June 13 2007, 17:53:11 UTC
only way I knew you used footage other than Smallville is because I know the show like the back of my hand and am pretty sure there were never that many indian and horse shots.

HA! You crack me up. Thanks, though.

I need to start a Talitha playlist of music from your vids

Aww, thanks. Let me know if you want me to upload this song. The original version is actually over 8 minutes long.


mkitty3 June 13 2007, 02:50:35 UTC
OMG! That was epic amounts of awesome!!! Now I'm totally gonna have to read that fic and I haven't read Clex in forever!


talitha78 June 13 2007, 13:00:06 UTC
Thank you, my sweet! I'm so flattered it's making you want to read Clex again. :D


norwich36 June 13 2007, 02:59:33 UTC
Fantastic! You did a wonderful job incorporating the historical stuff in there--and that must have been quite a technical challenge (though the fact that it meant Clark was shirtless throughout most of the vid was definitely a fact I appreciated).


talitha78 June 13 2007, 12:58:47 UTC
Thanks!! Yes, it was quite a challenge--especially trying to get the boys out of context-specific clothing. The shirlessness was a huge boon in that regard. :D


goth_clark June 13 2007, 03:07:28 UTC
Fantastic work! I love what you did with this. So well done.


talitha78 June 13 2007, 12:54:27 UTC
Thank you, thank you!!! It was difficult but also tons of fun. :D


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