Here are the logs for the results of individual battles between players and enemies. This post will be overwritten each week. Use ctrl+f to find your log.
enemy weaknesses These are the weaknesses of the enemies you will face this round. Weaknesses are guidelines for making your icon, and determine how your battle will turn out.
artes & spells Here is a list of all the possible attacks that can be learned, ordered by class. Please make a reference to this post before each challenge to form a strategy.
item shop Welcome to the item shop! Tools, special items, and rare tools are available here, and new items are added every two weeks. Please read the guidelines carefully, and happy purchasing!
equipment shop Welcome to the equipment shop! Weapons and armor are available here, and new items are added every two weeks. Please read the guidelines carefully, and happy purchasing!
job classes Each participant will choose a class to represent themselves in the round. There are six jobs in total, each with their own perks. The class you choose will remain so for the entire round, meaning you can not change it. Read below for more information on each class.