XMFC/Portal Fanart: Old Friend I've Never Met

Aug 04, 2011 10:46

Squeezing this in before I go to work!

Title: Old Friend I've Never Met
Fandom: X-Men: First Class/Portal
Rating: G
Medium: PITT pen, Prismacolor marker, colored pencil

This was based on (my own) prompt over at 1stclass_kink, which can be found here along with a fic fill someone else has started. The prompt was:

So this may have been prompted before, but I'm re-playing Portal 2 and I was thinking it would be really cool to see a fic where Erik and Charles are (non-powered) test subjects at Aperture Science. It doesn't need to follow the plot of the games, but I was thinking that it would be cool if one of them was running the tests (in the role of Chell) and following the graffitied clues from a mysterious stranger (in the role of the Rattman), until finally they meet each other and team up. One of them would have an intimate knowledge of the facility and how to get around (and has gone a little crazed), while the other has the portal gun and the sheer determination to escape.

Then someone said "fan art" and I got bored at work and one thing lead to another, so here's Erik [REDACTED], Aperture Science test subject, following the footsteps of a man he's never met but knows he likes.

fanart, now you're thinking with portals, xmfc, art, kinkmeme

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