Ten-word Ficlets: Mohindiana Jones

Jan 12, 2009 08:56

I feel like I haven't posted in forever. I blame Christmas, Guitar Hero, Lego Indiana Jones, and school starting up again.

Anyway, as usual, I didn't write nearly as much over break as I'd hoped (aka nothing), but saestina recently did a ten-word ficlet post thingy, and I figured, hey! I can do that. These last few weeks I've been nostalgic for Mohindiana Jones, so everything under the cut takes place in that universe. Twelve ficlets, ten words each.

Claire, heart aching, waved goodbye to the disappearing tramp steamer.

“The Helix Foundation, eh?” said Claude, following Noah into headquarters.

In the tent, Nathan said, “Put on the dress, Pete.”

Sylar and the Company kept hunting Harkness; Harkness kept escaping.

“We can’t always save them, Peter,” Noah said, “remember that.”

For Mohinder, Kirby Plaza signaled an end and a beginning.

First Time
Peter pressed him to the blackboard, and the fedora dropped.

“Ah, Venice,” Mohinder sighed, helping Peter step into the gondola.

After discovering them intertwined atop Suresh’s desk, Noah started knocking.

Peter’s steady hands made the gunshot wounds easier to endure.

Sometimes Mohinder used his bullwhip for activities decidedly not work-related.

Fellow agents deemed Hanson standoffish, cold-but Parkman knew better.

(I'm not sure the Humor one is actually very humorous, but we'll pretend that it is.)

You know, I'd totally love to write more of these. If anybody has any prompts--words, particular characters, moments within the timeline, any combination thereof--for the Mohindiana Jones 'verse, leave them in the comments and I'll write you a ten-word ficlet. In fact, give me some general Heroes prompts, too!

I'd mention that I've never opened myself up to prompts before and that it makes me a little nervous to do this, but I guess if I can't write ten words, I should probably find a new hobby. :)

fic: torchwood, fic: *all, fic: crossover, fic: heroes: mohindiana jones, fic: heroes

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