Take the House II: O11 fication signups open

Jul 27, 2006 10:13

When that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, then you take the house.

Take the House II: An Ocean's Eleven ficathon.

If I'm reading this right, and I'd like to think I am

This is a fic exchange, which means that everyone who signs up gets to write a fic, and have a fic written for them, based on one of (up to) four requested scenarios you'll list when you sign up.

All fic will, obviously, be based on the films and feature the characters from Ocean's Eleven and Ocean's Twelve. Slash, het and gen fic are all welcome, and you may request a crossover, though there's no guarantee you'll get it.

We all have personal pairing preferences (including no pairing, for some folks) so to make things a little easier on everyone, one of your requests MUST be gen - no pairing involved. It can be caper fic or character study or buddy fic or whatever, but just so there's no "I got someone who requested four different Saul/Rusty prisonsex scenarios and I can't write that!" situations (not that I think that would happen), one request must be gen. Please keep your requests relatively open and flexible (i.e., don't write the story for the author), and know that everything you requested may not make it into the story.

In writing your story, you do not need to include all of the requested things - you only need to use one of them. If you'd like to do more, that's fine, but it's not required.

You'll be matched randomly, with the "four things I don't want/won't write" part taken into account (i.e., if you won't write Saul/Rusty prisonsex, you'll get something that has other options *g*). While stories won't be posted anonymously - you'll all post your stories here in takethehouse - please keep your recipient in the dark while you write. It's more fun that way.

Mark your calendars
Sign-ups open today, July 27, 2006 and will close Monday, July 31, 2006.

You’ll receive your assignment no later than Wednesday, August 2, 2006.

Stories will be due on Wednesday, September 6, 2006.

Please do not post your story anywhere else for a week, i.e., until September 13 (though feel free to link to it).

How to play:
1. Comment to this post with
your name/pseud:
your email addy:
your lj: (if you have one)
up to four possible scenarios for your story (things like pairing, setting, supporting characters, phrases) note: At least one of your scenarios must be gen (i.e., including no pairing/having no pairing focus):
up to four things you don't want/won't write:
if can you write a back-up fic if needed:

Sample sign up:

1. your name/pseud: victoria p.
your email addy: victoria @ unfitforsociety.net
your lj: musesfool
up to four possible scenarios for your story (things like pairing, setting, supporting characters, phrases) note: At least one of your scenarios must be gen (i.e., including no pairing/having no pairing focus):

1. Danny/Rusty, Incan matrimonial head masks. How/why did Danny go to jail?
2. Danny/Rusty, post-O12, Isabel has left Rusty for the Night Fox. Please use the phrase, "She just wasn't that into you."
3. How did Tess end up with Terry Benedict?
4. The thing with the guy in Belize - caper fic. (i.e., the gen request)

up to four things you don't want/won't write:
Danny/Tess, Rusty/Isabel, Rusty/Basher, Saul or Reuben smut, twincest.

can you write a back-up fic if needed: Yes

2. You'll receive your assignment sometime on Wednesday, August 2. It's a secret, so please don't tell or let your recipient or their friends know who you received.

3. Join takethehouse so you can post your fic. It's also probably a good idea to friend the community while the ficathon is going on, so you'll know if there are any announcements.

4. Write a story of 1000 words or more by Wednesday, September 6.

5. On Wednesday, September 6, post your story to takethehouse. Please use the following headers:


6. All comments to this post will be screened. But we'll answer questions and the like here, and update the number of people signed up.

If you are going to drop out, please let us know as far in advance as possible, so that we can find a pinch hitter, so everybody gets a story.

If you have any questions, please direct them to musesfool @ livejournal.com or mousapelli @ livejournal.com.

Are you in or out?

13 people are in.

Signups will close Monday, July 31.

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