List of story ideas

Jun 08, 2005 16:10

Okay, here's the list of story requests - both written and unwritten. The ones that were written in the challenge have ** after them (some people combined more than one scenario). You don't have to have participated in the ficathon, or even be a member of the community, to snag one of these.

Take it as a given that everyone wants to know about either the thing with the guy in Belize or the Incan matrimonial headmasks, though I did leave one or two of those requests on. I also edited out anything that was just "Rusty/Danny" or "Rusty/Linus" or "X-character-centric" because well, that's not really much to go on, is it?

* Linus/Turk, Rome during O12, explaining "the first decent evening we've had together in I-don't-know-how-long."

* Rusty/Basher, set in Belize, handcuffs used.

* Danny/Linus, Chicago during O11, after their meeting at the pub.**

* Danny and Rusty pulling a job with Linus's mom in their younger years.

* Any two characters going to Starbucks on a coffee run for everyone else.**

* Rusty/Linus. A character-creation tutorial. Rusty is a rather hands-on teacher, to no one's surprise.

* Danny. Rusty. An elevator.**

* Linus' family life with conMom and pickpocketDad.

* Danny/Rusty first-time

* Danny/Rusty from someone else's POV -- how do others see them?**

* Rusty/Tess, while Danny's jail. Because it's really all about Danny.**

* Pre-movie caper fic. I'm totally not picky about this, but I'd love to see how Danny met some of the other characters.

* Danny/Rusty, the early years

* Danny/Rusty, scenes from a road-trip**

* Danny/Rusty, h/c**

* Linus gen fic, between the movies

* Rusty reassures Danny that he doesn't look fifty. At least, from the waist down.**

* Some of the guys run one of the cons Linus mentions in 12 (Hell in a Handbasket, Swinging Priest, Crazy Larry, Social, Baker's Dozen)

* After the false 11:30 wake-up call in O12, Danny needs something to take the edge off. Rusty is sleepy yet compliant.**

* Is there anybody on the team who hasn't picked on Linus?

* Danny/Rusty - how did they meet and how did they get together?**

* Danny/Rusty - post O11 - How did they maintain their relationship with Tess around?

* Danny/Linus - Hero worshipping can be much more.

* How and why any character turned to crime.

* What happened immediately after O11 (can focus on any main character)

* First meeting with Rusty and Danny

* Rusty's POV of Danny and Tess's wedding (implied Rusty/Danny)

* Rusty/Basher their first job together (gen to PG13), A job in which Rusty asks Basher to blow up a place (vault, bank or whatever) with him (Rusty) inside**

* Reuben&Rusty: why reuben owes rusty that much

* How did those bags of flyers end up in the vault in O11

* Frank pairing with somebody else in the team...

* An angsty Danny/Rusty/Linus triangle that emerges during a big job.

* Tess/Danny, Danny/Rusty - Danny can't help but compare Tess and Rusty no matter how hard he tries.**

* Linus bugs Rusty for lessons in 'suave'.

* Virgil and Turk get into one of their famous arguments over lasagne.

* Rusty/Linus/Danny; Rusty and Danny recruit Linus for another con after one of the movies.**

* Linus/Danny; An alternate Danny recruits Linus scene

* How Rusty and Danny met Basher (caper fic)

* Benedict/Linus; what if Benedict had caught on to Linus' act?

* Danny/Rusty - the beginning

* Danny/Rusty - Rusty waiting.**

* Linus - Growing up, getting out, making plans (and breaking them.)

* The boys and beers.

* Anything to do with the Bulgari job. Must have Nagel.

* Danny/Rusty/Tess pre-O11**

* Rusty/Isabel where they're stealing things together.

* Linus/Livingston, preferably before or after either of the movies.

* Linus's first proper theft.**

* Anything with the line "'Alright. We won't.' but the answer was too quick, too rehearsed."

* Some h/c involving any combination of Danny, Linus, Rusty or Basher.

* the thing with the guy in belize - rusty/danny

* genfic--linus listening in on his dad's stories about rusty, danny, basher, saul, etc. and hero-worshipping.

* rusty/linus - a missing scene or parallel storyline to Ocean's 11, in which flirtatious rusty is teaching linus how to play the guy from the nevada gambling board

* a close call, a job that almost goes wrong--rusty/danny**

* If Danny went to jail for Tess (to get her back, to win her, etc.) -- he hasn't done time for himself. Let's hear the story of Tess, Rusty, Danny, and the Incan matrimonial head masks.

* Caper-fic, with a side of Rusty/Danny. Eventually, someone's going to catch on.**

* Tess and Rusty. Dealing with each other, and dealing with Danny. Happy ending, please.

* "Rusty was twelve when he lifted his first wallet. In the years to come, there were worse things he'd do for money, but at the time he felt pretty bad."

* Rusty/Linus- please use the phrase: "The man's a machine."**

* Basher/Linus-pickpocketing can be dangerous.

* Turk/Linus-payback for leaving the truck (when they were getting the pinch)

* Turk & Virgil Malloy-racing cars at night (gen)

* Danny/Rusty/Linus - showing the kid the ropes. Can be friendship, can be smut.**

* Rusty/Basher - boy's night out/pub crawling ending in one night stand.

* Basher/Yen - communication. How exactly do they manage to communicate so well without speaking the same language?

* Young Saul/young Reuben/Bobby Caldwell - gen, caper fic, set in Rat Pack-era Las Vegas. Bonus points for including members of the actual Rat Pack (i.e., Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., et al.) Extra bonus points if they use the filming of the original Ocean's Eleven as their cover.

* Did Danny/Rusty know Linus' father?

* What was Danny's first job like?

* Rusty/Danny/Linus - however it can come about. Because Pretty.

* Rusty/Tess (non-sexy) talking about Danny.**

* Tess/Isabel; bonding over being the only chicks in the fox den

* Why Rusty always gets involved in such lame endeavors when he tries to go straight--the celebrity poker lessons, the failure of the hotels, any other examples you care to invent

* I've always been curious about the names they use to describe their cons (Rusty: "Well, off the top of my head, I'd say you're looking at a Boesky, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethros, and a Leon Spinks. Oh, and the biggest Ella Fitzgerald ever"). Have Danny (or Rusty...) explain various cons to Tess, using examples from his colorful career, hopefully including collaborations with various others of the 11**

* Danny/Rusty, Danny/Tess--Danny and Rusty, trying to make their living, and Danny ruins it all by falling for their mark

* Danny/Rusty, with a meddling Saul as supporting character. Saul is trying to patch things up between Danny and Rusty (during the first movie, maybe, but any timeline would work), but Saul won't be convinced that there's nothing to be patched up.**

* Rusty POV, at least an implied Danny/Rusty. Why is Rusty only suicidal in the mornings?

* Danny/Rusty/Linus or Danny/Rusty, Linus. Linus wants what they have.

* Gen: Some of the gang sneak into a movie theater.**

* I want to know about Danny and Bobby Caldwell.

* Rusty/Danny, another con-- can be one mentioned in the movies or made up.**

* Rusty/Basher, set pre-O11

* Basher gen, maybe tell about how did he end up in the US? or what's the deal with the music? or how did he meet Danny and/or Rusty?

* Linus, pairing with anyone other than Saul or gen.

* Basher's first introduction to "proper villains." Bonus points for musical references.

* Dinner with the Caldwells.

* Rusty/Linus, during O11

* Tess was Danny's victim before she was his wife.**

* Rusty/Linus, post-O11, in what ways is Linus like his father?**

* Rusty/Linus, post-011, Linus isn't being smart about his money

* Danny, pre-O11, what's his life like in jail

* Rusty, pre-011, how did he end up with his tattoo

* Linus/Rusty "You're living in your parents' garage, Linus."**

* Tess/Danny, Tess POV. "You're fighting and you don't know what for."

* Danny POV, gen fic, pre-casino heist. "Oh that can't be good."

* Linus/Isabel.

* caper fic: Basher is just learning about ballistics, and something goes horribly wrong on his first job

* Missing scene: Danny and Rusty plan the fake argument in which Rusty tells Danny he's off the job**

* Character study: Tess is working for Benedict, but also dating him. What does she see in him? How did they get together?

* geek!fic: Livingston/Danny or Rusty, unrequited

* Danny/Rusty, pre-O11, Rusty gets hurt on a job with Danny.**

* Danny/Rusty, post-O12, Isabel figures out the thing about Danny and Rusty.

* Danny/Rusty, post-012, Tess wants Danny to go straight and he's trying; Rusty could have told them that wasn't going to work.**

* Gen, post-012, Isabel teaches Tess about being a thief; Tess teaches Isabel about being married to one.

* Danny/Rusty - What WAS the thing with the guy in the place, OR, what happened in Belize?**

* Danny/Rusty - O12 hotel. Drinking wine and watching Happy Days in Italian leads to ... banter and sex, of course.

* Rusty/Isabel - When and how did Isabel figure out who/what Rusty was? Isabel POV would be cool, but isn't necessary.

* danny/rusty secret getaway b/t movies

* rusty/linus whenever, whatever

* O11: linus explores all of las vegas' amenities**

* Early Rusty&Danny caperfic, that includes getting caught.**

* Rusty and/or Danny "educating" Linus

* A demonstration of just how flexible a little Chinese guy can be.

* Isabel's realization that Rusty is a thief and/or her own larcenous tendencies

* Danny and Rusty - a pre-con ritual - ie, the night before, what do they always do?

* Linus/Rusty - Linus finally spends some of his money

* Danny/Rusty. "It had sounded like such a good idea on paper, and yet here they were."

* Danny/Rusty, preferably with some acknowledgment of Danny/Tess and Rusty/Isabel. The Night Fox might have been good enough for Europe, but this is America.

* When you say "Incan matrimonial headmasks," do you really *mean* "Incan matrimonial headmasks?"

* Rusty, Tess. Four to six months in New Jersey, waiting for Danny, was almost like a prison sentence in itself.**

* Rusty/Linus - post-O11 (maybe early O12) Linus is tired of being treated like a kid.

* Danny/Rusty - What's next for the duo? No Tess, No Isabel. Include the words: monochrome; oatmeal; faithful; stained glass; wet dream

* How did Rusty end up "cold-decking "Teen Beat" cover boys"?

* two or more of the characters locked in/hiding out in a room for an extended period of time. Small talk, talking about past cons...whatever.

* Danny/Rusty, Isabel has left Rusty for the Night Fox. ("Face it, man. She just wasn't that into you.") Danny comforts him with blowjobs, banter, snackfood, at the beach. (Tess is out of the picture.)**

* Danny/Rusty, Incan matrimonial head masks. How/why did Danny go to jail? Was Tess involved? Did Danny choose jail/Rusty over Tess in the end?

* Danny/Rusty smut on the way to or from the visit to LeMarc. Blowjobs and banter.

* Planning the con in O12 - what exactly happened there? Was Linus's mom always in on it? When did they bring in Saul? What didn't we see and when did it all happen?

* Danny/Rusty, pre-O11, road trip - maybe trying to avoid someone?

* Danny/Rusty, Rusty looks after Danny through a series of failed relationships, Tess included. Friends becoming lovers.**

* Danny/Rusty/Tess, post-O11, "we need to find Rusty a girl."

* Saul and Rusty - how/where did they meet and what exactly is their relationship - is Saul a father figure or a friend or both?

* Danny/Rusty, pre-O11, it seems like there was a fight between them before Danny went to jail involving the masks...explore away.**

* Linus gen - stepping out of his parents shadow (can be set during either film)

* Rusty and Linus - can be gen or slash, but would like Rusty sharing wisdom of the game with Linus.

* The gang one-upping Terry Benedict one more time…

* Isabel/Rusty/Danny **


If you happen to write one of these ideas, please post a pointer to the finished story here in the community so the rest of us can read it, especially the person whose idea it turns out to be. *g*
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