The Warrior Elite- Chapter 12

Jun 17, 2011 21:49

Title: The Warrior Elite
Pairing: yunjae, yoomin (in this chapter)
Genre: Angst, Violence, Romance
Length: (12/?)
Rating: PG 13 - NC 17
Warning: Violence, con-consent., Dark themes, Attmepted Suicide

Summary: Yunho lives in a warrior tribe. Violence is no stranger, and wars are a constant thing in the everyday life. Jung yunho is the son of a ( Read more... )

genre: romance, genre: violence, fic: the warrior elite, pairing: yunjae, genre: angst

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Comments 31

spot takelo14 June 18 2011, 01:50:29 UTC
spot for my dear daigensha_akuma <3333


Re: spot ouji June 18 2011, 04:19:13 UTC
hohoho i don't even think you need to mention kangsoo anymore lol his name is sort of taboo his he was just last mentioned in the previous chapter xD good thing yunho came to save jaejoong(finally!) because he was quite slow at it :/ (in my opinion) lol i thought he was suppose to be suffocating already but apparently not xD

and le gasp! NOW jaejoong thinks about his long gone virginity?! D': i thought he would get over that by now but it looks like some yunjae drama is going to appear xD

and yaaaayyyy onto yoochun's part of the story! 8D the incorporated minchun was funny but there's still hardly any suuuuu lol this continued very nicely :) i don't see much trouble in transition this since it was already at a dramatic part xD good work! (hugs)


Re: spot takelo14 June 18 2011, 04:54:10 UTC
Lol yeah, I was writing it and I was like, well it would be overly cliched if yunho found jaejoong fast so I was forced to elongate it xD so yeah

Lol that ish true, but I realized that jaejoong wasn't even awake through the last event so I think that would probably freak people out... And you know... I guess I need some sort of drama =_=" (my lack of creativity is bone-chilling...)
Well, minchun is gonna come into play later, but fear not, yoosu will be big in the next part of the fic :) <3333 thanks for reading bb


Re: spot ouji June 18 2011, 06:50:04 UTC
haha it would be xD i just thought it could use some good suffocating and burning wood falling all over them xD (well in my brain)

LOL that's true! jaejoong doesn't even realize most of the time what happens to him when he's not aware of it all D: haha i think drama is in EVERYTHING so your brain is working completely fine :) (hugs)

oh yeppie~ it's going to be yoosu time! xD


ilukyuwook June 18 2011, 02:11:37 UTC
Yay you updated I been waiting quietly by my phone for an update!!
yes kangsoo is gone *celebrate with the mob*
After one hurtful event now our jae won't trust anyone I hope yun can change that soon..thankyu!!


epahmjjeje9095 June 18 2011, 03:21:28 UTC
kangsoo is really out of the pic?..uu..juz dont make a twist n let joongie suffer more..uhuks.....


takelo14 July 9 2011, 22:46:09 UTC
i swear he's outta the picture!!! and he is not coming back xD

thanks for reading & commenting bb <33333


sheilapiglet June 18 2011, 03:53:55 UTC
so I just finished reading your entire story at one go...haha...and I was wondering if you can add me so that I can read the f-locked chapters?...thanks.

Jae has been raped and abused all his I'm not sure why he'd be more affected this time around than the other times...anyways, I'm really curious about the Yoosu..I only saw one line in your entire fic with Junsu's name in it...haha...while the YooMin came pretty much out of the blue...hope that you'll be going into more detail about everyone's how Jae became a slave, Yoosu's past relationship and why YC didn't know he had a brother, etc.

Looking forward to your next chapter...update soon!=)


takelo14 June 18 2011, 04:11:34 UTC
thats a very good question... LOL well, i guess its because he wasn't even awake when he was abused this time =_="
oh and yoosu will actually play a big part in the next parts of the fic so they will be here :)

and actually i have written why yoochun doesnt know he has a brother. i think it may have been in an flocked chapter
it was because he lost his memory in an accident (sorry for the cliche)

thank you for reading bb <3333 and you are added ^_^ just add me back neh??


sheilapiglet June 18 2011, 07:30:10 UTC
so i've read your f-locked chapters and they were so angsty...*shudders*...I feel so bad for Jae...I really hope that YH saves him...isn't he rich enough to buy Jae or something?....*puppy dog eyes*..tho i guess now that K is dead, Jae is technically "free"?

and I'm still curious about YC's what caused the accident and why his parents didn't tell him about his brother sooner...also, why didn't JS fill him in on their relationship?..seems as tho he just allows YC to flirt with him and doesn't admit to ever knowing him before.

it would be good if Jae is YC's brother cuz then he'd be able to take care of him and he'd actually be from a good background and live a better life...tho I have a feeling that he isn't cuz YH had a flashback before of a servant boy and I think THAT was Jae must've been a "lowborn" all his life.

anyways, so many questions and I'm sure I'll find out the answers as the story progresses...keep it up!=)


mizatvxq June 18 2011, 04:01:27 UTC
jae is save.. Yun save him.. I'm glad he's ok.. But i'm worried bout his mental health.. It not easy to be heal but i hope he'll get through this with the help from yun and minchun..
Minchun is flirting.. Cant wait to how their relationship will progress..
I wonder who chun brother is.. Cant wait for the next chapter..


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