Title: Tremors of the Heart
Pairing: Sooseop
Rating: PG
Summary: There’s an earthquake in Seoul. Imminent death is a rather powerful motivator, as Kiseop discovers.
The lights constantly flicker on and off, making it seem like a scene in a horror film. Except this is reality and if they do not find a way out, they will be dead. )
Comments 32
/ninja strikes again
I guess I have good timing or something lol.
This was so kjagfelkffkja. At first I was D: then in the middle of the fic I was like ;~; and finally at the end I was all :DDD ♥ a roller coaster of feels rofl. I'm amazed how you managed to make this fluffy because I would've failed so hard. *applauds*
The last line was so cute ohmygod. And your note at the beginning made me laugh. I really needed this because I've been stressing over this fic project all day orz I feel better now.
Oh and it would be cool to see the post-it notes with PS :D so when you have time I say go for it~
And good luck with your finals! ^^
/feels intimidated by the wall of text
Good use of faces though. Yeah I tried my best to not depress everyone again. Don't think I'm even capable of killing either of them off anymore(watch me do it again, I'm fickle like that).
Fluffy bunnies make the world go round and that last line was thrown in on a whim. Glad you liked it.
Happy to have helped with something? Indirectly at any rate.
I'm failing chem. No question there. But I should be okay otherwise.
There's no shame in losing to a ninja.
So I finally got the chance to read this, and I knew I would love this just from the A/N.
but since the ones in my head are gay like fluffy bunnies farting rainbows, they get to say 사랑해 which is something that one would say to a lover. ALL HAIL THE FLUFF BUNNIES! ;~; There is no such thing as a straight Ukiss. Everyone knows Soohyun in screwing all of them especially kiseop (dang OTP)
eaning over, he places a gentle kiss on Kiseop brow and whispers into his ear, "나도 사랑해." Wae so sappy, Soohyunnie? XD And Kiseop fussing and worrying is adorbs <3
While making out a few days later, Soohyun pulls a little too hard on hair attached to bruised scalp. He is summarily banned from touching until Kiseop is ‘fully healed”. lol stupid Soohyunnie.
I will make you write that smut. I will squeeze it out of you somehow, one of the days.... beware. MWAHAHAHAHA (I'm sleep-deprived, don't judge me)
Ninja has a one hour advantage on you so gl XDDD
Yeah I don't know why that AN is like that. It just is I guess.
With a name like UKISS, straight is not an option.
Stupid, sappy Soohyunnie? He brought that one on himself.
I want to write it but like, I can't find the nerve lol I need someone to kick my ass until I do it ;D
See you.^^/
I don't think I can kill off any of my biases -.-
Thanks and good luck with the rest of them, if you decide to read them.
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