Thinky-thoughts post of DOOOOOOOOM. Srsly. (spoilers for ... the whole series so far, up to 4.6)

Oct 25, 2008 13:35

Hola peoples!

I am so long overdue for a thinky/ep review post it’s not even funny. So, this will probably be really long. Feel free to skip it.

IMPORTANT: There be meta in this here review. If you wish to read it, you MUST KNOW ONE THING FIRST. When I have thinky-thoughts, I put the episodes back into cannon order. Meaning, Monster Movie is really 4 ( Read more... )

evol!sam, samndean, squee, samndean own my soul, ohnoes, flail, thinky-thoughts, episode review

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Comments 84

july_july_july October 25 2008, 20:03:12 UTC
This season, how many people has Dean saved? (psst - the answer is zero. There’s a good class.)

But... They saved Jamie from the crazy shifter Dracula dude and they saved Jack's wife and, presumably, his unborn rugaru child. It's nothing like the tally from seasons past, but still.

Also: I am DYING to know Dean's deep dark secret, too. DYING.


tahirire October 25 2008, 20:25:51 UTC
MMm, nope - actually, Jack saved his own wife, and Jamie maced dracula and all Dean did was briefly distract him so she could run away.

Food for thinky-thoughts. :-)

*dying right along with you*


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tahirire October 26 2008, 00:12:08 UTC
Yeah, I never saw the deleted scene ... but ... it was deleted. Lol. But really I was just trying to get some thoughts on the table, because I HAVE NO IDEA. *bounces*

Yeah, Sam asked at the end, I was just saying that he would have already known that Dean had hallucinated about him at least once. Since he was there the one time. And 'cos he's SMRT. :D

ps - I used to work with howler monkeys, and they are sweethearts (and I find most monkeys creepy, so that is generous coming from me) BUT they make this GOD-AWFUL noise.

That was before SPN ever aired, and I used to say they sounded like Demons. *shiver* Like they want to EAT YOUR SOUL. So yeah .... good call, Dean.

But really they are sweet. ;-)


lotr_lemmy October 25 2008, 22:21:20 UTC
strangelyweird and I just read ALL of that outloud and pondered about everything. AWESOME META! AWESOME! We were totally talking about the whole Bloody Mary thing last night while waiting for Saw V to start. lol

You brought up some GREAT points... I know something about next week. Something that will make your very very very much squee!! OMG!

I'd like to know the reasons behind the pyrokenesis! I think we talked about that before.

The theory about Dean being back at Stanford at that certain time, doesn't really work... I mean it might, but it was that time that John went missing and in that deleted scene on the Season 1 DVD has Dean going back to the apartment because his radio starts acting wonky.

Sooooo many questions!!!


tahirire October 26 2008, 00:18:16 UTC
You KNOW something!? O-o

Don't tell me.

I know when we will find out the secret. *hides*

Yeah, yeah deleted scene. But who knows. It's something big. *nerves*

Uh - it's 'cos all of the psychic kids friends/lovers/family seem to have been threatened or killed by the same type power that they HAVE.

Andy's girlfriend was threatened by mind control.

Ava's fiance was torn apart by a demon, and Ava tears people apart by using demons.

Lilly's power killed her girlfriend.

Sam's entire family has burned. John and Dean in Hell, Mary and Jess on Earth. So, if Sam follows pattern, he will develop pyrokinesis.


I can't take credit for that one, blacklid pointed it out to me. :-)


blacklid October 28 2008, 06:20:46 UTC
Don't forget Max Miller. :)

Isn't it weird... how on this show all the stuff that starts out being funny ends up being harrowing?

Look up "Bad Day At Black Rock". It's not just the name of a movie (though the plot is telling)... it is also the site in the desert for the annual... Burning Man festival.

Sam doing nothing but being incredibly anxious and his own arm bursts into flames? That's not bad luck. That. Does NOT. Just. HAPPEN. It will just make sense now. :)


i_speak_tongue October 28 2008, 03:45:27 UTC
Finally commenting. It's only been like 4 days since I read this. *knocks side of scull in hopes of shaking some gears loose*

That was so NECESSARY. and thorough. And awesome. Very concise and clear, and what I love about it is that it not only allows you to make your own speculation, it also helps lead the way for other ideas. Awesome.

The secret involves Sam, John, Mary, or someone closely connected to them. Dean has lost tons of people on hunts, Dean’s no stranger to collateral damage, if it’s bothering him this much than it has to be about someone he knows.YESYESYES. And I have my very own speculations in that regard. I think it may have been something Dean did when he was very young. Say 4 years old. The day his brother was born. Because like you mention, what if Azazel did show up exactly 10 years later? And what if He and little Dean had some kind of encounter that led Dean to believe he was somehow to blame for what occured 6 months later? Perhaps he wasn't keen on the idea of having a little brother and old YED offered him ( ... )


tahirire October 28 2008, 04:06:01 UTC
I like the Dean-as-4 theory very muchly. I also have thought about it being a kid - which would of course be horrible ... but I really just have a gut feeling that it's even worse than that. *hides*

I feel like I've been spoiled. I HOPE I have.

Hee. Being spoiler free is so much fun afterwards. :D


blacklid October 28 2008, 06:47:17 UTC
Are you here to see my mommy?



blacklid October 28 2008, 06:46:10 UTC
I'm only gonna say this:

Malleus Maleficarum - While torturing her victims, Tammy mentions what we think is a reference to the best-selling book "The Secret". The premise, of course, of that book is this: Thoughts become things. Think good ones and your life will reflect your thoughts. Think fearful, defensive, negative thoughts and your life will reflect that as well.

Hell House - How was the tulpa created? Remember what Sam said? It felt so tacked on and out of place for that scene: "Kind of makes you wonder-of all the things we’ve hunted, how many existed just ‘cause people believed in ‘em?"
What were Sam and Dean doing to each other that whole episode? AND HOW DID THEY SOLVE THAT ONE, BOYS AND GIRLS?



alwaysenduphere October 28 2008, 06:03:00 UTC
4c: THANK YOU! I was beginning to think I'd been the only one who noticed.

props for word usage: Frak. Also, bloody frakkin' mary, indeed. It's about time we learn wtf is up.

...and I'm starting to think spoiler free seems more fun. But dangit, I'm so impatient!


tahirire October 28 2008, 19:06:46 UTC
4c: THANK YOU! I was beginning to think I'd been the only one who noticed.

You are welcome! I was trying to cover everything I thought was odd. I'm sure I missed tons of stuff. But still ... 2000 + words, O_o.

props for word usage: Frak.

YAY! \o/ I NEVER get to say Frak!!

...and I'm starting to think spoiler free seems more fun.

LOLZ. It is! It really IS!! During the season I will watch the promo that airs right after each week's ep, but that's it.

Over the summer I didn't know ANYTHING. I try to stay 100% for premiers and finales. All summer I was complaining that being spoiler free for 4.1 was harder than waiting until I got married to have sex. *headdesk* Lol, TMI.

Thanks for checking it out, glad you enjoyed! :-)


alwaysenduphere October 28 2008, 19:41:02 UTC
It's a lot of words, sure, but its a good subject, so it's all good.

my friends make fun of me for saying "frak" so much.

I'm trying to be spoiler free with other stuff, Heroes, Twilight, Grey's...couple other things. But I think that's more necessity because I spend so much time hunting down SPN spoilers!!


tahirire October 28 2008, 19:46:41 UTC
Well, it's important to have prioreties ...



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