Thinky-thoughts post of DOOOOOOOOM. Srsly. (spoilers for ... the whole series so far, up to 4.6)

Oct 25, 2008 13:35

Hola peoples!

I am so long overdue for a thinky/ep review post it’s not even funny. So, this will probably be really long. Feel free to skip it.

IMPORTANT: There be meta in this here review. If you wish to read it, you MUST KNOW ONE THING FIRST. When I have thinky-thoughts, I put the episodes back into cannon order. Meaning, Monster Movie is really 4 ( Read more... )

evol!sam, samndean, squee, samndean own my soul, ohnoes, flail, thinky-thoughts, episode review

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i_speak_tongue October 28 2008, 03:45:27 UTC
Finally commenting. It's only been like 4 days since I read this. *knocks side of scull in hopes of shaking some gears loose*

That was so NECESSARY. and thorough. And awesome. Very concise and clear, and what I love about it is that it not only allows you to make your own speculation, it also helps lead the way for other ideas. Awesome.

The secret involves Sam, John, Mary, or someone closely connected to them. Dean has lost tons of people on hunts, Dean’s no stranger to collateral damage, if it’s bothering him this much than it has to be about someone he knows.YESYESYES. And I have my very own speculations in that regard. I think it may have been something Dean did when he was very young. Say 4 years old. The day his brother was born. Because like you mention, what if Azazel did show up exactly 10 years later? And what if He and little Dean had some kind of encounter that led Dean to believe he was somehow to blame for what occured 6 months later? Perhaps he wasn't keen on the idea of having a little brother and old YED offered him ( ... )


tahirire October 28 2008, 04:06:01 UTC
I like the Dean-as-4 theory very muchly. I also have thought about it being a kid - which would of course be horrible ... but I really just have a gut feeling that it's even worse than that. *hides*

I feel like I've been spoiled. I HOPE I have.

Hee. Being spoiler free is so much fun afterwards. :D


blacklid October 28 2008, 06:47:17 UTC
Are you here to see my mommy?



blacklid October 28 2008, 06:46:10 UTC
I'm only gonna say this:

Malleus Maleficarum - While torturing her victims, Tammy mentions what we think is a reference to the best-selling book "The Secret". The premise, of course, of that book is this: Thoughts become things. Think good ones and your life will reflect your thoughts. Think fearful, defensive, negative thoughts and your life will reflect that as well.

Hell House - How was the tulpa created? Remember what Sam said? It felt so tacked on and out of place for that scene: "Kind of makes you wonder-of all the things we’ve hunted, how many existed just ‘cause people believed in ‘em?"
What were Sam and Dean doing to each other that whole episode? AND HOW DID THEY SOLVE THAT ONE, BOYS AND GIRLS?



tahirire October 28 2008, 19:01:25 UTC


We should have 4 am meta more often. This is happy fun tiemz. 'Cept for how, ya know ... I iz still ded frum no sleepz.


blacklid October 28 2008, 19:04:56 UTC

Hey, you should totally post this over at spn_heavymeta


tahirire October 28 2008, 19:11:36 UTC
If I do that, will there be wank! in my journal afterwards? *chews fingernails*


blacklid October 28 2008, 19:15:47 UTC
I don't see why there would be wank - as long as you list in the post that there's speculation galore which if it comes true just means we are awesome sleuths. ;)


tahirire October 28 2008, 19:21:16 UTC
Lmao. It says that up at the top. *points*

I may post it there at that, if you think anyone would care. XD



tahirire October 28 2008, 19:33:53 UTC
I did it.



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