Thinky-thoughts post of DOOOOOOOOM. Srsly. (spoilers for ... the whole series so far, up to 4.6)

Oct 25, 2008 13:35

Hola peoples!

I am so long overdue for a thinky/ep review post it’s not even funny. So, this will probably be really long. Feel free to skip it.

IMPORTANT: There be meta in this here review. If you wish to read it, you MUST KNOW ONE THING FIRST. When I have thinky-thoughts, I put the episodes back into cannon order. Meaning, Monster Movie is really 4 ( Read more... )

evol!sam, samndean, squee, samndean own my soul, ohnoes, flail, thinky-thoughts, episode review

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Comments 84

fromyourashes October 25 2008, 18:09:45 UTC
Holy shit, I had this HUGE THING TYPED UP and then I went to google the spelling for pyrokinesis and accidentally hit enter on THIS tab AND LOST THE ENTIRE THING AND IT WAS LONG.

Fuck that, lmfao, I forget what I wrote. MAN, AND THERE WAS THIS LONG THING ON EVERYONE SELLING SAM SHORT. (To summarize, I think Sam loves Dean JUST AS MUCH as Dean loves Sam. I don't think he believes that something little can KILL Dean, though, which is why he doesn't show his worry for Dean dying. Make sense? It made sense before freaking LJ ate my comment. Grr. "Some ghostie flu gonna kill MY big brother? AS IF." Ya know?)

Ugh. I miss my long comment. LMFAO.

OH. I did wanna say that you must have missed the deleted scene, otherwise you wouldn't wonder why Dean went back and saved Sam when Jess was burning.

Stupid LJ.


tahirire October 25 2008, 18:14:08 UTC
Awww, stoopid lj indeed, lol. *pets you*

Make sense? It made sense before freaking LJ ate my comment.

It makes perfect sense, and I agree 100%. Sam's been through this more than once, Dean's got an angel, there is no reason to panic. *nods*

OH. I did wanna say that you must have missed the deleted scene, otherwise you wouldn't wonder why Dean went back and saved Sam when Jess was burning.

I haven't seen it but I know about it, but it was deleted, and therefore in my brain it does not count. *rationalizes*

But really, I am just throwing ideas out there, but I just DO NOT KNOW!! I WANT TO KNOW!!! *flail*


sharonmarais October 25 2008, 18:11:43 UTC

you make so many valid points and I am really all agog now to see if you are right...I especially like

What’s my point?

DEAN FOUND OUT IMPORTANT THINGS IN HELL. He needs to remember what he heard there. YED, plans, endgame, what Sam will become - all of these things were shoved into his face, I’m sure of it.

Why did Castiel wait 4 months to pull Dean out? (See: Lazarus Rising, things to remember)

DEAN HAS BEEN BEHIND ENEMY LINES, you guys. He KNOWS stuff. He needed time to gather information.


SAM NEEDED TIME TO MASTER HIS POWERS. That’s right, God wants Sam using his powers. He doesn’t want him working with demons, but SAM IS THE WEAPON AGAINST LILITH. He’s the one that can wipe her off the map. The angels don’t seem to be able to do it. (See: Are you there God, things to remember) They waited long enough for Sam to master his powers, then they pulled Dean out to stop Sam from going darkside.

In conclusion (for real this time) -



tahirire October 25 2008, 18:18:32 UTC



sharonmarais October 25 2008, 18:26:11 UTC
me too it freaking rocks so hard....didn't think it could possibly get any better than last year, and the boys too double wow.



dharkapparition October 25 2008, 18:14:01 UTC
I'm impressed. Seriously. I had a few flashes along those lines, but sitting down and plotting it out like that? o.O

Linking to this post because it gives love to both brothers and Just. Makes. Sense.


tahirire October 25 2008, 18:17:25 UTC
Lol. Well, the thinky-thoughts took over mah brain, they needed to COME OUT! *commands them leave me and go to bother teh interwebz instead*

it gives love to both brothers

The love is so needed right now, yes? *makes bitchface at fandom in general*

But not you flisties, you guys all RAWK. ;-D


gogetemcowboy October 25 2008, 18:19:41 UTC
Dude, I just read all of this & whoaaaa.
You make a lot of good points.

Sam taking charge is hotter than Hades.
TRUTH. Passive Sam is not sexy.

The flash in Sam’s eyes. Ok. Real or not real?
I'm confused on this but I'm leaning towards it was real. The ghost sickness had wore off. But I guess what supports that it's not real, is that Sam had just asked Dean what he saw (&he had seen a YED!Sam) so it could have been Dean just getting a flashback remembering as Sam had just brought it up. I'm hoping it was real.


tahirire October 25 2008, 18:21:20 UTC

But ...

*doesn't want*


I really like the idea that say, if I was there, I wouldn't have seen it, but it was real, just only Dean can see it because he's still so close to Hell. That idea makes me happy.

And terrified.

Ugh, so conflicted, lol. :-)


shadow_of_doubt October 25 2008, 18:50:20 UTC
Ooooh. My mind, it is blown. You have made some very convincing points. I truly hope you're right because this is awesome!


tahirire October 25 2008, 19:20:40 UTC
*wants new episodes NAO*

Hee. ;-)


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