May 01, 2008 12:52

Hello all! A few announcments -

THURSDAY!!!! *pulls out tissues*

Also, thank you so much to everyone who read my Crack!Fic pwt/spn crossover and left such awesome comments. Now I know I'm not crazy, or at least if I am, so are all of you :-P (didn't see it but want to? it's posted at
Read more... )

crack, thursday, fanfic

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Comments 8

lotr_lemmy May 1 2008, 17:08:27 UTC
I also think that Dean!Girls and Sam!Girls co-exist cause you know Sam! girls are closet Dean!Girls and Dean!Girls are closet Sam!Girls! :P

It's just a fandom of love, that's what it is.

NO WORRIES ABOUT THE NEXT THREE EPS! Everything will be fine!, Sam will save Dean and they will go to the Grand Canyon and take funny pictures and rock music will play :P


tahirire May 1 2008, 17:18:30 UTC
Aww, a fandom of LOVE.

Sam will save Dean with the power of LOVE, and their powers will combine, and the wondertwins will ...

...who are we kidding. It's SUPERNATURAL. Sam will save Dean by becoming EVOL and raining down the APOCOLYPSE! *wishes reeeeally hard*

Dean, just stay away from pie, ok?


lotr_lemmy May 1 2008, 17:21:23 UTC
Yes, he must stay away from that evil evil pie.

Geez I'm so freaking excited about tonights episode!

My goal today is to have your video done prior to SPN airing... I'm nearly done with it!


tahirire May 2 2008, 00:23:18 UTC



(The comment has been removed)

tahirire May 2 2008, 00:22:51 UTC
Holy crap, that is just awful! I totally agree, all true fans are SamnDean girls. TOTALLY. Tell that girl you know that I am *horrified* at her!!!! Dean would kick her ass for not liking Sam!! *is distraught*


Hey! shortbutlethal May 1 2008, 20:13:29 UTC
I am excited for Thursday as well! And I just wanted to let you know that I'm Becca! Laura's friend and she talks about a good way don't worry lol!

Just wanted to know if I could add you.

I don't get e-mail notifications about people who leave me comments on other journals or even on mine. So if I don't reply back to a comment or anything then don't take offense lol!

Anyway I'm going to add you and I hope that's ok! =D

I'm out...


civillove August 8 2008, 14:25:39 UTC

"So, really, Dean is the biggest Samgirl of all, and Sam is the biggest Deangirl. *nods* How can anyone argue over that!?"
i think i love you. just for that. :DDD

totttally right<3


tahirire August 8 2008, 14:31:57 UTC
I was going to respond to this by saying 'welcome to the flist', but you beat me ;-)


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