May 01, 2008 12:52

Hello all! A few announcments -

THURSDAY!!!! *pulls out tissues*

Also, thank you so much to everyone who read my Crack!Fic pwt/spn crossover and left such awesome comments. Now I know I'm not crazy, or at least if I am, so are all of you :-P (didn't see it but want to? it's posted at

It has been mentioned to me that one reason this fandom is so awesome is that us Samgirls and Deangirls are peacefully co-existing.  This has made me think thinky-thoughts.

There is a perfectly good reason why Deangirls and Samgirls co-exist so well.

It's cause of the BROTHERHOOD of them both. Samgirls love Dean because DEAN loves Sam more than ANYONE IN THE WORLD.  And Deangirls love Sam because he is the one who belives in Dean knows how awesome he is. And we can always trust that they will be looking out for each other, no matter what.

So, really, Dean is the biggest Samgirl of all, and Sam is the biggest Deangirl. *nods* How can anyone argue over that!?

Plus they are both 2 sides of the same coin. I can't stand the thought of one without the other. *worries about the next 3 eps*

There is a brand new community for people going to the Dallas con. For some reason lj doesn't want me to link it. But I believe it's spn_dallascon. It was recently created by

Go join if you are coming! I want to meet aaaaaall of you nutjobs :-)

crack, thursday, fanfic

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