Kripke is really J.K. Rowling in disguise

Apr 29, 2008 18:47

 So, today I picked up the Official Season 1 Companion guide to Supernatural because I was bored and needed something to stare at while I was at the Dr. Office I'm a devoted fan, and there is this comment in there that Kripke made re:Dean in Bloody Mary.

And it made me go O_o

Comment :  "With regards to Dean's eyes bleeding, Kripke says, "There is something in his past ... we've always known it. We will reveal it, but I doubt I'll ever reference Bloody Mary again.''

What does it MEAN, people?

Thinky thoughts -

1) Maybe the secret has already been revealed and I never made the connection? (Dean almost gets Sam killed via Striga during childhood, perhaps?)

2) This secret has something to do with what happened to Dean while Sam was at Stanford?

(Side note - Dean's line "If I'd have called, would you have picked up?' always led me to believe that, contrary to fanon, Dean and Sam had just as much of a falling out as Sam and John had, even if it was not exactly the same in nature. Most likley, in my opinion, it was because Dean was probably on John's side with regards to Sam leaving.)

3) This secret hasn't been revealed yet.

4) This means that every little detail of mytharc is already planned out, all the way through season finale. Which, I knew it was, but it makes me happy, for some reason.

Comment if you wish.

tv: supernatural, thinky-thoughts, kripke

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