Megacon quickie post

Feb 22, 2012 00:56

SO, today is day ... 8? 9? That I've had a fever and a really wet chest cough and the dizzies, so this'll be brief being as how I can't hardly remember my own name.

Megacon 2012 )

tv: the walking dead, cons: megacon, tv: supernatural, tv: the vampire diaries, picspam

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Comments 9

cologne_chick February 22 2012, 07:36:37 UTC
Awww David was there? He is sooo cute and funny. Met him at Ring*Con last October :-)


tahirire February 22 2012, 15:18:12 UTC
Yes!! He is ADORABLE and hysterical, he was so cute. They were all very friendly. :)


tabaqui February 22 2012, 12:36:12 UTC
Aw, I'm sorry you're sick!
*sends healing vibes*

Looks like you had fun no matter what. And the cosplay! Whooooo!
So cool. :)


tahirire February 22 2012, 15:19:37 UTC
Thanks, I am calling the Dr AGAIN today in hopes of getting rid of this ... whatever it is. Ugh. Why is being sick so expensive?

It was really, really weird not cosplaying, lol. Next time. :)


datenshiblue February 22 2012, 18:41:42 UTC
*pets* *IVs you with chicken soup*

but at least I'm glad you had fun. :)


tahirire February 23 2012, 04:29:14 UTC
I did have fun - what I remember being conscious of it, lol.

*snuggles chicken soup IV*


stopwatch_plz February 24 2012, 14:45:52 UTC
Ooo!! :-D

There's a Vampire Diaries con over here in a few months but so expensive... and I'm already going to a Con in mid-april then going on holiday at the end of April and, well... I have no money *lol*

Dragon Con is a definite no for this year, my friend had to let her rooms go as she can't afford it either. Arghh! One year, I swear I will make it!!!

Also, Lauren Cohan is love <3


tahirire February 25 2012, 09:42:42 UTC
They have TVD cons in Orlando sometimes, but the TVD cast comes to mega and dragon con so much that I can't justify shelling out Creation prices to see them.

Lauren was super sweet. :)


stopwatch_plz February 25 2012, 10:25:41 UTC
Ugh, we were talking about going to Dragon Con AGAIN last night >_< *lol* We always do it, even though we can't afford it! Although we have a mutual friend who earns lots of money, so you never know... *lol*

Lauren is the one SPN cast member I haven't met that I would really love to.


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