Divine: The Series International Zombie Apocalypse, Tampa

Oct 31, 2011 12:11

Hola, fellow Divinites and Supernatural fans!

Long story short, our fearless leader Ivan Hayden requested that the world throw him a zombie apocalypse for Halloween. So we did. (Vids from other countries/cities can be found hereWe were all set to do a massive flash mob downtown, but we were encountered by 2 key problems - 1) people suck and don't ( Read more... )

divine, it ate my brain, photoshoot, picspam, fanvid

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Comments 9

datenshiblue October 31 2011, 16:33:35 UTC
LOL! Aww so cute! Mummy couldn't stop grinning! ;)

Awesome work!


tahirire October 31 2011, 16:57:09 UTC
Actually she was screaming 'I LOVED YOU!!! WHYYYYYYY, I LOVED YOOOOOOOU!!!!!'

... I should really post bloopers.

Pictures are up now! I forgot them the first time.


datenshiblue October 31 2011, 17:53:05 UTC
LOL! The pics are great!

But she was totally grinning though. ;D

... )


tahirire October 31 2011, 17:53:55 UTC
Oh totally. Kirk wants me to post a blooper reel, lol. Maybe I will ... after homework. :)


teardrop_tattoo November 1 2011, 01:55:36 UTC




*loves you like woah*

Seriosuly. I loved that. :D Looks like you had a lot of fun. And the


teardrop_tattoo November 1 2011, 01:56:22 UTC
lol, didn't finish.

What I was GONNA say was the kid at the start? Really creepy. *Nod*


tahirire November 1 2011, 03:00:14 UTC
Hee, glad you liked it! It was a blast. :)


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tahirire November 1 2011, 18:04:51 UTC
The little kid eating the eyeballs is one of my Godkids. :) He's awesome. I said 'Hey, whatcha got there?' and he goes 'NO MY EYEBALL!' ... he's at the 'no' stage. :)


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