Divine: The Series International Zombie Apocalypse, Tampa

Oct 31, 2011 12:11

Hola, fellow Divinites and Supernatural fans!

Long story short, our fearless leader Ivan Hayden requested that the world throw him a zombie apocalypse for Halloween. So we did. (Vids from other countries/cities can be found here)

We were all set to do a massive flash mob downtown, but we were encountered by 2 key problems - 1) people suck and don't show up when they say they will and 2) all of the roads into the downtown area were blocked off for some kind of bicycle race that I didn't know about. LE SIGH. So we did what we do best - we improvised.

Big thanks to - Katie, who was not only a fantastic leading lady but without whom we never would have snagged about 12 extra people from around the park at the last minute. Brian, who SO was not up for this but played along anyway, Victoria and her mad directing skills, Danielle for helping me package fake blood and make zombie shirts all night, Dana for her super amazing special effects makeup skills, Isaac for being seriously creepy, Taylor, Vikki, Liz, Robert, Vinny, Kevin, the dot.X girls, and everyone else who helped.

And LOVE to Ivan, Kirk, Tara, and all of the Divine crew. You guys rule!

I had a hell of a good time cutting this video together, hope you all enjoy it. :)

image Click to view

And now, in completely backwards order - Pictures!!  (Seriously, just ... idk, start at the bottom and scroll up. I'm too lazy to re-order them all lol.)

divine, it ate my brain, photoshoot, picspam, fanvid

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