
Jul 17, 2011 22:21

Dear my flist:

I am filling out a scholarship application ATM for a scholarship that you can only apply for if you have a career GPA of 3.6 or more. I have a 4.0, and they want me to write a 500 word essay on why I deserve the scholarship.



Anyway, my ' ( Read more... )

is this real life?, flistofawesome, question

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Comments 19

alwaysenduphere July 18 2011, 02:36:19 UTC
I never actually got any of the scholarships I applied for which is why I have 15K in loans to pay off so I might not be the best person to give advice, but depending on what it's for, I'd start by playing up the qualities you have that apply to that, like, idk, "I understand business ventures are complicated and sometimes risky. I've learned many things running my own online store and with the help of this scholarship, I could learn more." or something (though that kind of reads like a resume cover letter too doesn't it? hrm.) And there's always the helpful "determination and perseverance" examples that go along with having a 4.0 GPA.

Basically I am no help at all but I wish you luck!


tahirire July 18 2011, 02:42:20 UTC
LOL, this is why I suck at this - that is probably a good suggestion but all I can think is OMG WHAT IS THAT ICON?!?! O.O

I just ... I HAVE THE 4.0. It is for people with good grades. I am a person with a perfect grade. GIVE ME THE MONEEEEEEEEY.


alwaysenduphere July 18 2011, 03:01:05 UTC
Hahahaha it was the first icon that came up when I clicked random. Queer as Folk! Brian Kinney + Glitter = OTP.

You just have to elaborate on WHY grades are important and WHY and HOW you've kept up that 4.0. Also, fucking jealous of your 4.0 jsyk. Dang girrl.


tahirire July 18 2011, 03:10:07 UTC
Lol, well, thank you, but believe me, it's not without sacrifices ... like hours at work AKA MONEY, which is why I'm broke now, hence me NEEDING DA MONEEEEY. *headdesk*

But srsly. I won't give you a heart attack by telling how much my student loan is, but it is just a hair less than 1/2 of my entire mortgage, let's just put it that way. *bites nails* Also, when I graduate ... I will be able to SEW!! :D :D


*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

If I wasn't having so much freaking fun in my program, I'd be hy... hyperve....*passes out*


monicawoe July 18 2011, 03:22:38 UTC
You need to tell them why you are awesome and how their sholarship will bring your awesomeness to a whole new level, thus enriching the WORLD!


tahirire July 18 2011, 03:26:43 UTC
Yeah, but like HOW!? /MS!Samvoice


lembeau July 18 2011, 04:09:39 UTC
No joke, in my med school application, when they asked me What points about yourself would you like to leave with me so that I can present your strongest side to our committee on admissions? I answered: That I am one of the most awesome people you will meet this year and whatever I wrote in the question asking about my strengths.

I did expand on it and told them that I am the type of person they are looking for.

Basically tell them that you are awesome and give them examples. Tell them how you achieved your 4.0, what obstacles you faced and how you overcame them and how you work hard and how you don't take anything for granted. How leaving everything and working towards this goal of yours terrified you and you took a leap of faith (in yourself) and you did it and this 4.0 is one of the many things you have achieved. What are some of the things you've learned? Those would be some examples you have achieved. Be strong and sure about yourself. And while they ask "why do you deserve this scholarship" tell them straight up that you ( ... )


tahirire July 18 2011, 04:13:09 UTC


icanhazpie July 18 2011, 04:33:46 UTC
This might be unpopular, but it will be both blunt and accurate. You ever heard the term "check your privilege"? They want the antithesis.

If you have a minority antecedent, describe their travails and how this affected you.

If anything nasty and anti-feminine affected you, don't merely detail it, but how it affects your future studies and drive to achieve.

On a personal note you're into the anime. Name a character who has been through trials and tribulations, and how they have inspired you.

I wish I could be less cynical, but I know better. BTDT. It'd be nice if you could point to your GPA, extracurriculars, and essential merits as a student and that is what *I*, personally, would tell you to write ( ... )


icanhazpie July 18 2011, 04:34:19 UTC
HTML fail. Woe.


tahirire July 18 2011, 04:48:12 UTC
Lol, html fail is allowed at this hour ( ... )


icanhazpie July 18 2011, 05:01:05 UTC

I could curl your hair with my off-fandom TMI, but I don't because it's off-fandom TMI (and no one wants to know that shit.)

Translation: Ain't judging. Know better. Say what you like.

Sending the rest to PM, because, hey... sometimes we don't just want to say this shit on semi-public journals.


themonkeytwin July 18 2011, 05:14:25 UTC
Er, well, I went to a small art college in Australia and then to a seminary over here in the states and managed to scrape through with zero debt, generally have no money and no assets other than my winning personality and my accent. I'm like the least academically-attuned person EVAR. I DO NOT GET THEIR STUPID RULES. Also, if I ever had to write something like that, it'd probably be along the lines of "GIVIT!" Also, the American mindset also makes little-to-none sense to me, about some things (especially this kind of thing). Also ... I don't budget. All the numbers are just ... whyOn the other hand, I don't tend to spend money for bad reasons, and somehow God has always made sure I have what I need when I need it. Not always before-hand, so there's not that comfortable buffer sensation, but where's the fun in that anyhow? (Actually, I will be honest: I'd really like to try the fun of having a buffer. That's just me, though. And I really can't complain.) And so far, I have not died. So I call it a sustainable method. *nods ( ... )


tahirire July 18 2011, 11:47:21 UTC
I don't budget so much either, at least not specifically - it's more like we can afford something or we can't, but if we have 5 bucks left over I'm not going to say no to a sub sandwich, ya know? I, too, want to just say GIVIT! Lol.

DUDE. God does that to us too. TO the point where if we get a suprise!extra amount of money, we cling to it while warily looking at the sky and wondering what it going to break next. (Usually it is the washing machine.) Lol.

Prayers ALWAYS help!


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