
Jul 17, 2011 22:21

Dear my flist:

I am filling out a scholarship application ATM for a scholarship that you can only apply for if you have a career GPA of 3.6 or more. I have a 4.0, and they want me to write a 500 word essay on why I deserve the scholarship.



Anyway, my ' ( Read more... )

is this real life?, flistofawesome, question

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tahirire July 18 2011, 04:48:12 UTC
Lol, html fail is allowed at this hour.

DUDE. See, that's what I thought too, and I tried that last time but no dice. (Presumably because my 'sob story' is all about how I qualify for absolutely zero financial assistance due to the fact that I am a straight white married woman with good credit who has made smart life choices and doesn't have any kids. :P )

I am smart. I am talented. I'm tired of being stuck in a dead-end job that pays crap and doesn't give a rat's behind about my creativity. I make less than 14k a year. My husband's job field has been shit for the last 3 years because of the economy and he hasn't been paid (again) in over a month. But none of that matters to them because the only debt we have is our mortgage, so I look really freaking good on paper. I qualify for high-interest adjustable rate personal loans that would be a horrible investment on my part, so why should they help me when I could just ruin my credit like everyone else does? I CANNOT AFFORD GROCERIES RIGHT NOW. Basically I am risking everything for this - if it wasn't for my dad paying the out-of-pocket fees that the loan doesn't cover, I wouldn't even be there. Arg. /venting.

Ooooh, maybe I could make it all about giving back to my dad somehow, LOL.

Dammit why can't people just get away with being honest.

LOL, I'm sorry! Tmi. And here we only just met. Oh well, if you make it through my rant, then it was meant to be. ;) *regrets nothing*


icanhazpie July 18 2011, 05:01:05 UTC

I could curl your hair with my off-fandom TMI, but I don't because it's off-fandom TMI (and no one wants to know that shit.)

Translation: Ain't judging. Know better. Say what you like.

Sending the rest to PM, because, hey... sometimes we don't just want to say this shit on semi-public journals.


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