RL News/Update

Mar 02, 2011 22:04

Big news, kids. A few misc updates first -

1) Sadly, the little snake I was trying to save passed away. He had a skull fracture, and it just wasn't in the cards. We tried, though.

2) I still have jewelry for cheap in this post, if anyone needs moderately expensive jewelry for cheap.

3) Work continues to suck. Following this post, we now have new ( Read more... )

school, trancendental squee, flistofawesome, what am i the master of again?, flail, is this real life?, could i have any more tags that are ques, vidrec, music, sewing

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Comments 41

blacklid March 3 2011, 03:44:43 UTC


tahirire March 3 2011, 04:03:46 UTC



brigid_tanner March 3 2011, 03:44:51 UTC
Yay!! I missed your previous post about all the "strikes". It really does sound like they're trying to get rid of everyone. Makes no sense to me, cause when I go to the vet, I want to see the same people who've taken care of my babies before, cause my dogs are a little slow to warm up to new people.

You're going to be fantastic in design! I've been amazed at the photos you've posted of the costumes you've created, and the skill that went into making them.

Congrats on following your bliss!


tahirire March 3 2011, 04:10:35 UTC
Thanks!!! *crosses fingers*


dawnintheforest March 3 2011, 04:16:59 UTC
*high five* Wooooo!!! That's fantastic! I hope you have lots and lots of fun at school!

... Awww, poor snake! : ( Hopefully it's in a better place now.


tahirire March 3 2011, 15:31:26 UTC
I'm very exciting this morning, and I only feel like throwing up a little tiny bit! Things are looking better already!! :D


borgmama1of5 March 3 2011, 04:42:56 UTC
Awesome news! How could they NOT look at what you created and NOT be impressed! Yay for you!


tahirire March 3 2011, 15:32:23 UTC
Thanks!! *blush*

I just feel like I've hit the ceiling on what I can teach myself. I'm looking forward to actually understanding what I'm doing, not just doing it by instinct and then being pleasantly surprised when it actually works, LOL.


lotr_lemmy March 3 2011, 04:53:16 UTC
YOU are going to be amazing. Absolutely amazing. I am so freaking happy for you. *hugs*

...plus that song... I totally needed that.

YOU'RE AWESOME!! Good luck with everything!!


tahirire March 3 2011, 15:33:14 UTC

YOU are awesome. This is all y'alls fault, you know, all you people that keep sucking me in to cosplay. ;)

The song is great, I love him so much. :)


lotr_lemmy March 3 2011, 17:39:26 UTC
:) There's never anything wrong with a little encouragement! lol

Love the icon by the way!


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