Fic - Surrender

Jul 25, 2008 17:39

Author: tahirire 
Characters: Sam, Dean, mentions of Lilith 
Warnings: Vague spoilers for Jus in Bello 
Word Count: 100 
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but they certainly do own me.

Author's Note: I blame
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evol!sam, fanfic, drabble

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Comments 11

force_oblique July 25 2008, 22:58:19 UTC
Heeh this is nice!!!
I like the title and i think it fits the mood...
And the last couple of lines were so ...true?
nice work hun!


tahirire July 26 2008, 03:21:22 UTC
And the last couple of lines were so ...true?

Ha, I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I'll take it! ;-)

SOMEONE *points at lemmy* was BOMBARDING me with EVOL plot bunnies ALL DAY LONG today ... and the fastest way to rid myself of them is in drabble form. So, thus was born this. *smirk*

Glad it entertained you! :-)


blacklid July 25 2008, 23:15:17 UTC

No. Do not want. *waves hands*
Demon!Dean is NOT evol!Dean!!!!


Good story, though. LOL


tahirire July 26 2008, 03:24:42 UTC
No. Do not want. *waves hands*

WELL. *huffs* Ah, who am I kidding. ME EITHER!! *hands*

Demon!Dean is NOT evol!Dean!!!!

Really? Is Demon!Dean the Demon of puppies and rainbows and cheesecake? *awed by the strength of your denial*

... or mayhap you were mislead by my tag? *goes to look* Nope, tag says Demon!Dean. You were fairly warned. *snerk*

Good story, though. LOL

Lmao, thanks!


lotr_lemmy July 26 2008, 00:49:00 UTC



tahirire July 26 2008, 03:26:05 UTC


You BOMBARD me with EVOL!plot bunnies ALL DAY, causing DISTRACTIONS and MAYHEM, and all I get is DUDE!? *eyebrows AND hands*

Oh, and a happy face. Ok, well, I guess that's alright then. *eyeroll*

Haa, love you. *hugs*


iamstealthyone July 26 2008, 02:31:19 UTC
Ooh, it's interesting to think of the boys facing off like this. Nicely done.


tahirire July 26 2008, 03:28:22 UTC
What can I say, I was attacked by hoardes of plot bunnies today.

Drabble form is the fastest way to exorcise them. :-)

I figured, if Lilith wanted to be the leader instead of Sam, and she owns Dean, then eventually this would have to happen.

'Cause we all know Sam'd pwn Lilith. *nods*

Thanks for reading!


iamstealthyone July 26 2008, 03:32:57 UTC
I figured, if Lilith wanted to be the leader instead of Sam, and she owns Dean, then eventually this would have to happen.

'Cause we all know Sam'd pwn Lilith. *nods*



dharkapparition July 26 2008, 04:34:35 UTC
Shifty eyes indeed.


tahirire July 26 2008, 04:36:55 UTC
*tries to look innocent*


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