Fic - Surrender

Jul 25, 2008 17:39

Author: tahirire 
Characters: Sam, Dean, mentions of Lilith 
Warnings: Vague spoilers for Jus in Bello 
Word Count: 100 
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but they certainly do own me.

Author's Note: I blame
lotr_lemmy. That's right. This is all your fault. *g*


Their voices rang across the open sky for all to hear.
“Come on, Sammy, bring it! You know you want to play. Knock me down a peg!”
“You’d love that, wouldn’t you Dean. Huh? Show you what I can really do?”
“Damn straight.”
“Too bad. I’m not here for you. I want Lilith.”
“You’re not her type.”
“She ran up the white flag, not me. Open the door, or I’ll go through it.”
Sam’s army stood still, waiting. Dean held open the door, black eyes flashing hate.
Looks like Sam was the right horse to bet on after all.

evol!sam, fanfic, drabble

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