602: Two and a Half Men

Oct 05, 2010 20:52

Good to know that horror movie rules still apply to show - GEEZ, WOMAN, YOU DO NOT RUN *UP* THE STAIRS!!!

This scene is so scary and so sad. This poor mother, dying to protect her child - and she doesn't even know it isn't human. Would she have fought this hard if she'd known? I think so.

Random side note is random - I wonder if Jack Montgomery's wife had her baby.

Re: Title - ICWYDT, Show. Clever.

Lisa moved AGAIN. It's a good thing there a lot of houses for rent in this economy. O.o

Seriously though, if the guy that saved the world showed up on your doorstep and he also happened to be the best night of your life guy, I think you’d be willing to move to Siberia if it meant keeping him around. I know I would. But it makes me love her so much MORE than I already did. She really truly accepts him for who he is, baggage included, and how could you not love that?

Hey, Show, you are getting good at this game! 
*Gives Show gold star for proper name placement*

Dean is securing his inventory, but he's also thinking, too. And not just about security. He takes the shotgun with clear nostalgia on his face, checking that it’s loaded almost as an afterthought. It may have been a year but he still knows every nook and cranny of that arsenal. Hunting is more than just in his blood, it’s in his soul. It’s who he is. He still pats her once before he walks away. And he still misses his brother.

Kill me worse, why don’t you?

This kid has moved 3 times in 4 years. (From the Kids are Alright house to Cicero, from Cicero to the Blue house, and now from the Blue house to here.) Remind you of anyone? It reminds Dean of someone. Only the last time he had to hear a parent tell a kid to at least check out the place before he hated it, it wasn’t Dean’s fault.

And this kid just says ‘ok’, because he might not have his neighborhood any more but he still has his mom, so he can do things like agree to move a bunch of times because it doesn’t pull up all of his roots, and all Dean can think of is how he’s doing to Ben the same thing that John did to Sam at that age that made Sam hate John so much, and as soon as Ben goes for his bike the first thing that Dean can think to say is ‘Woah - where’s the fire?’ and DAMMIT I WAS DEAD ENOUGH ALREADY!

Dear Dean,

I bet it’s exhausting seeing monsters everywhere.


image Click to view

 Sam is OWNING this crime scene, even with all the other cops around. It's sort of awesome.

He just blends right in.

*shifty eyes*

One cheese, one everything. Of course the yoga instructor just wants cheese.
*loves on 3 years worth of barely recurring character continuity*

Um, Dean? They’re onto you, buddy.

Sam and Samuel on the phone is … bothering me isn’t the word, but … gah. Something about it trips my DNW. Not the interaction itself, maybe that the interaction IS so smooth.

It’s like when Ruby showed up to be Sam’s new partner and said everything that Dean would have said.

Yeah. That’s what’s bothering me. I get that they’ve been working together a year, and even in In The Beginning we could see a lot of Dean in Samuel, but I just DO. NOT. TRUST HIM.

Also, for as much as Sam says they are family, he calls the guy Samuel, not Granddad, and he treats him like an equal, not a boss, and so I feel ok in thinking that Sam doesn’t 100% trust him, either. It's almost more like he just needs him, or - like he is being made to THINK he needs him, or - like he needs him but wishes he didn't need him?

Gah. This season is shaping up to be hard to pin down.
Which I love, but dang it, I'm used to feeling more in the loop than this. LOL.

Lol at Samuel getting mad at the computer and then turning right around and hacking the security company's files.

Lol, and also wtf.


Sometimes I wonder about you, Sam.
Am I boring you, you got some place you need to be? (Home)
Explain to me how any version of that is natural.

(I couldn't place the other two in episodes, but I KNOW I've heard them.)

Samuel seems perfectly willing to take on the baby grabbers even if they are human. Which unnerves me, because it means A) He’d just go around killing people, like Sam never would have agreed to in the past, or B) He knows the baby is shifter bait and he just wants the babies.

I do not believe for a second that whatever pulled Sam up pulled Sam down. I do not believe for a second that Samuel has only been back for one year. I do not believe for a second that Samuel doesn’t know how SAM came back. I DO NOT BELIEVE.

*refuses to clap hands*

I’m not gonna dwell on the scene with Dean and Ben because I really hate Ben.
(The actor, not the character. )


The scene does tell us two important things. First, Dean has told Ben stories about when he was a kid. Second, Dean is determined not to make the same mistakes that John made, but to uphold his decision, he’s using all of John's methods.

Tahirire: Sam has Illinois plates.
Blacklid: Yep. He lived there, DUH. It's right next to Indiana
Tahirire: He lived in ... Pontiac? *chinhands*
Blacklid: It's where Dean got raised. He's still trying to figure that one out.
Tahirire: Duh. See if there's a connection. Smart.
Blacklid: lol

“There’s another happy couple walking and talking. Six month old baby, just like all the others.”

So do we think that all superhuman babies come into their potential abilities at 6 months old? It would make sense from an evolutionary standpoint. If you were a species that hid your baby with another species, you'd want it to blend in until you could collect it.

What species is Sam?

I love Dean for covering for Ben even though the kid legit did something stupid. I would not have done that.  And I continue to love Lisa for being practical about everything. Know what I just realized? She matches the personality of the Jess-in-my-head. *wibble*

Did I already say I like the Charger? I LIKE THE CHARGER.

I want it.

Sam Winchester, everybody: Still handy with the lockpick and the hairflip, STEPS RIGHT IN THE BLOODY FOOTPRINT AND LEAVES HIS FINGERPRINTS ALL OVER THE PLACE.

Still decent with a knife, though. * purrs*


..... This was all foretold. In the eighties.


Of course it’s a good thing no one has called the cops - Sam would be standing in a room full of dead bodies with slashed throats with a bloody knife and his fingerprints all over the place.



Dear Sam,

WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOOX. I'll give you a hint.

Helpfully yours,


LOL @ Sam’s panic in this situation.

He goes for Dean and not Samuel - why? Samuel has already been tracking the case, and earlier it was Samuel who was willing to go after the killers even if they were human to save the children. Samuel, who has raised a baby before. So why Dean?

Because he trusts Dean’s heart.

That’s exactly why I want you. Because you care.

He knows Dean will do the right thing. He doesn’t know that about Samuel.

Dean salting the windows even as the words ‘I’m out’ come out of his face is causing me to facepalm.

Dean: Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.

Also, Sam has been keeping his promise to keep in touch. I know because he knows where Dean lives since the move and how to get there, and Dean knows he knows. No more of these invisible guardian shenanigans.

Dear Dean,

Was it that Sam has a baby or that the baby is exactly six months old coupled with your recent sighting of old Yellow-Eyes that got you out of the house so fast?

Just wonderin'.

For all that Sam seems totally inept with the whole baby thing we gotta give him some credit. He managed to figure out how to strap in a car seat and put the baby in it right. That’d probably be beyond me.


Lisa knows she’s living with a soldier without a war, and since he hasn’t been able to fight a battle, he’s been fighting himself.

Just as important to note here is that Dean isn't chasing the case. Sam went to Dean instead of Samuel, because he wants Dean with him. That's it. DEAN wants to help on this case because he wants Sam back. He knows full well Sam can handle it on his own and says so. And Sam could have - but he also knows Sam doesn't WANT to, and that's enough for him.

Pilot, anyone?

It’s hard to watch someone you love fight so hard against what you know they were born to be. She knows he won’t go unless she kicks him out, and she knows he needs to go.

So she threatens to shoot him. Lol, I love her.

There is this ONE second where Lisa laughs and tells Dean to shut up about her ex and Dean smiles and we get to see what might be like when they’re more or less happy, and nnnngh. THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER. I WANT IT TO LAST. *sob*

So what was it, Sam?

“Ghoul, zombie, shifter, about a dozen other things.” Sam, 602
AKA A deceptacon, DUH.

Dear Show,


"Silver. No wonder none of the tests worked - you're not shapeshifters, you're ghouls." Sam, 419 
Also, anyone remember ZOMBIES being allergic to silver? B/c I don't remember that either.

Confusedly yours, ~T


I don’t think this was a mistake, necessarily. The next thing Dean says is that he doesn’t remember baby-napping being part of the profile, and Sam says exactly. Sam has been hunting for a while now and he’s seen things that weren’t normal. Samuel said he’s got a bunch of monsters breaking the rules. Maybe they are evolving. Maybe as they evolve, they get stronger in some respects but weaker in others. Maybe this is just to highlight the parallels between the djinn we saw last week seeking revenge for their father and the ghouls that sought revenge for their father and the shifter that seeks a gift for its father.

The point is, they put two creatures not on the list on the list and put obvious ones like werewolf under the classification of ‘and about a dozen other things.’  Idk, I feel like there is a reason.

Maybe I’m on crack. Maybe I like it that way.

This baby is SO SMILEY. *resists the urge to want one*

“Car should drive, not be a little bitch.” LOL. Hey, back off. I love the Charger. /unpopular opinion

Well, we need to get some supplies.'
“I got an arsenal in the trunk.”
'Uh. Not that kind.'

'Dear Sam,

Uh … PLEASE tell me you fed and changed the baby while you had it overnight. Please? O.o

Useless trivia time - the lotion you put on a baby butt has enough metal in it to show up in an x-ray. You’re welcome, Sam.

Kudos to Show for not putting in a gay joke here. Although you totally could have, Show. I mean, if you were gonna, this would have been the time. Ok, you know what, Show, you missed a perfect opportunity. YOU ARE FIRED.

Uh - Jared? I see you there, smiling at that baby. I'm calling you out, sir.

I AM SAM IN THIS SCENE. I think I am allergic to children. They are the silver to my ghoul. Or, you know. Whatever. Anyway, I totally understand the child abuser feeling thing. YES, DEAN, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP CRYING.

Sam's face over the prospect of the diaper change is KILLING me.
This from the guy who was all 'THIS BRANE HAZ BEEN SUCKED DRAI!!1!11!!!!!' back in s5.
*dies of lolz*

Just when you think you can’t die of any harder lolz, Dean tries CRYING BACK AT IT. *dies more of harder lolz*

Even the shifter's cutesy baby talk face is giving me nightmares.

"What's his name?"

Sam says John and Dean says Bobby. It’s like a correlation test; say the first name that pops into your  mind.

Sam doesn’t idolize John, not by a long shot. He just grew to understand him, and he chose to embrace the life he was raised into. That understanding fostered forgiveness and allowed Sam to finally think of John as a father and not just a drill sergeant - someone he would want to honor the memory of by naming  a baby after him, should he ever have one.

Dean, on the other hand, is watching himself turn into the John that was the drill sergeant. He lost a long time ago what it felt like to think of John as a father, the way he did when he was a kid. Bobby has been his father in the intervening years, in that Bobby offered free support and love and wanted him to get out of hunting and have a normal life.

Dean has been rejecting the life he used to embrace so fiercely, and to think of John would be to admit that it’s still a very vital part of him. So Dean says Bobby. /overthinking

I DO think Dean could have gotten the baby back by just insisting like a regular parent would have instead of giving it ONE shot and jumping straight to IMMA STAB YOU IN YOUR NECK, but I’m ok with it because - guh. *replays*

Creepy gramma!shifter is creepy, Sam can play baby football, Dean doesn’t mind attacking an old woman in a grocery store named after Cindy Sampson with a big-ass knife, and the Charger is an awesome getaway car.

I have a personal theory that the Charger is Sam's personal Autobot. I mean, they like dudes named Sam, right? Plus, they totally could have found Sam on ebay. You know his user name is something obvious.

I want to name it Mr Beaumont, but I don't think it's going to live much longer.

The Charger is an SRT-8 6.1 Hemi. It goes FAST.

This all-out performance version of Dodge's already-bold Charger sedan features an AutoStick five-speed automatic transmission, 20-inch alloy wheels with performance tires, sport suspension, dual chrome exhaust pipes, plus aerodynamic body kit with hood scoop and rear spoiler.

But the heart of the car is certainly the 6.1-liter SRT Hemi V8 engine. This powerplant puts out an impressive 425 horsepower at 6,000 rpm and 420 pound-feet of torque at 4,800 rpm. The rumbling exhaust note alone gets the adrenaline pumping. Power is channeled to the rear wheels, accelerating the Charger from zero to 60 miles per hour in under five seconds. The top speed is 165 mph. Fuel economy reflects this engine's performance characteristics, rating at 14 miles per gallon on the city cycle and 20 on the highway cycle.

I think I just came a little.


So, the shifter could have been following Sam since the baby’s house. WHICH IS WHY SAM DIDN’T JUST GO TO DEAN’S HOUSE. Yeesh, fandom, give a guy some CREDIT.


Part Two

meta, thinky-thoughts, picspam, episode review

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