Apr 25, 2010 18:40

Dear Aerith ( Read more... )

is this real life?, omgwtfbbq, rage, ohnoes

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Comments 27

kimmer1227 April 25 2010, 23:12:24 UTC
I feel your pain! Damn children don't understand or care about vet bills.

Max just got his stitches out last week. If they love us so, why iz they always trying to escape?


tahirire April 25 2010, 23:20:51 UTC

Sadly, snake vet bills are MUCH higher than doggie or kitty vet bills. AND my cat just had emergency surgery about a month ago already - so yeah, REALLY can't afford snake bills right nao.

*slathers it with neosporin*


may7fic April 25 2010, 23:25:00 UTC
I hear you... Boomer (14) and Flurry (13) have had 2 full on scraps in the last 2 months. They've grown up together in this house, hell, they've had sex with each other !!! in this house and certainly have never thought twice about getting into a kerfuffle. You'd think, with 2 paws each in the grave and 2 paws each on banana peels, I wouldn't have to worry about terrier aggression between them at this stage... Wronggggguh!

But we love them anyway, don't we? *g* {{hugs}}


tahirire April 25 2010, 23:32:23 UTC
I've never had a problem with Aerith until about a month ago. Our new cat, Pan, likes to sit outside her cage and taunt her. All the other cats know to leave all the snakes well enough alone. Gah.

Yeah, we love them, but THEY MAKE US BROKE.


may7fic April 26 2010, 00:32:05 UTC
I have a mantra... It's only money. I'll make more.



dawnintheforest April 26 2010, 02:00:26 UTC
Oh dear... pet woes! I hope everybody is (more or less) ok!


tahirire April 27 2010, 03:50:24 UTC
Yeah, she's going to be okay, but now I have to put her in a cage without any wire, which is a pain. She's been in that cage for EIGHT YEARS. EIGHT.




dawnintheforest April 27 2010, 05:36:45 UTC
Some clarification needed: What kind of animal is she? Bird? Rodent? Reptile?


tahirire April 27 2010, 10:26:32 UTC
She's a red rat snake. :)


force_oblique April 26 2010, 19:18:22 UTC
Awws omg I totally suck... Why didn't I know you had children? o_0


tahirire April 27 2010, 04:01:08 UTC
Lol, probably because this is a letter to my pet snake. :)


force_oblique April 27 2010, 07:09:50 UTC


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