Apr 25, 2010 18:40

Dear Aerith.

Do you realize that you have been an adult now for about ..... *does math*..... 8 years, right? At least? And you have lived in your current enclosure for 6 of those years?

Why then, suddenly, have you decided to try to constantly escape? Is Ashe no longer a good roomate? Do you really want to eat a cat THAT. BAD. ? Did you not notice that every time you pull this crap you end up BLEEDING ALL OVER MY FLOOR AND COSTING ME VET BILL MONEY!?

Seriously, if I hadn't practically hatched you myself, you'd SO BE GOING IN THE NEXT YARDSALE.

*mops up blood and buys more antibiotics*


Your Mom.


is this real life?, omgwtfbbq, rage, ohnoes

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