Passing the word along

Jan 27, 2010 06:25

For those of you that have no idea what prompted this, there are a lot - a LOT - of impersonators on twitter pretending to be the guys. Some of them have proven to be dangerous, and the guys have now made an official statement specifically to address the issue.

So here it is, straight from Jensen and Jared - if you need to know anything else, askRead more... )

jensen, jared, vidrec, what am i the master of again?

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Comments 33

orehime January 27 2010, 11:29:20 UTC
*FLAIL* How is it possible that they are SO SWEEEEEET!?


tahirire January 27 2010, 11:30:27 UTC
I'm not sure they are actually human.


magser January 27 2010, 12:03:06 UTC
I think this was unfortunately very neccessary.
Some fans, especially young girls were putting themselves in serious danger by communicating with these fakes. One girl was a step away from letting one of them have her email...can you imagine what would happen?
Therefore I don't get why some factions of this fandom are so pissed about this video?
The guys are very wonderful to try and stop this themselves...


luu_alita January 27 2010, 15:57:47 UTC
who on earth could be pissed about this video? 0.0?


blacklid January 27 2010, 18:23:49 UTC
Unfortunately, lots of people are ... who just don't understand and are calling it creepy. Personally, if they want to focus on the bad lighting and the seriousness of their expressions, and NOT on the message, which obviously means a lot to them ... /rant *gets out the knives more*


luu_alita January 28 2010, 05:22:31 UTC
Hunh. People are weird. The only thing I would critisize is that they didn't say "and we have no intention of *ever* having a social networking page" cause people are gonna open them later on and say it's them and they changed their minds.


fannishliss January 27 2010, 12:17:32 UTC
I completely fail to understand why this video is anything but a good thing.... I glean that maybe there was a fake lj under clif's name that was also spreading rumors?

I think the boys coming out with their own faces and denouncing the fakes was a reasonable response, since it was in the medium that the fakes were using...

Jared is a dearheart with his elocution skills, and Jensen just looks wicked uncomfortable. Poor guys!!


tahirire January 27 2010, 22:40:28 UTC
I completely fail as well. Let's all be fail together!


digitalwave January 27 2010, 15:48:43 UTC
I think this was a really sweet, good thing that they've done. It shows a lot of care for their fans, too. Can you imagine how horrifying it would be to find out someone had been injured from coming in contact with one of these fakes? There are so many predators out there on the web just looking for their chance to pounce on someone unsuspecting.

I'm proud of them for taking the steps to try and keep that from happening.


tahirire January 27 2010, 22:41:36 UTC
Me TOooOOoOOOO! They rock.

*loves on them*


blacklid January 27 2010, 16:49:55 UTC
Awww, sleepy guys.

They should be thanked a ridiculous amount for doing this.

*sends them Valentines*


tahirire January 27 2010, 22:41:57 UTC
They should. Let's make s'mores.


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