Passing the word along

Jan 27, 2010 06:25

For those of you that have no idea what prompted this, there are a lot - a LOT - of impersonators on twitter pretending to be the guys. Some of them have proven to be dangerous, and the guys have now made an official statement specifically to address the issue.

So here it is, straight from Jensen and Jared - if you need to know anything else, askRead more... )

jensen, jared, vidrec, what am i the master of again?

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Comments 33

dawnintheforest January 27 2010, 17:37:39 UTC
I'm about to make a similar post on my own journal. Plus I've RT'd this on Twitter a few times already.
I think it's really important that this gets out there. There are too many impersonators, but more importantly there are too many gullible naive hopefuls out there who fall for their tricks.

I'm a little confused about those out there who are upset with Clif for tromping around the internet. I think he's doing good on Twitter, at least. I do worry a little about the possibility that he's been browsing spn_gossip and other similar wanky sites. Yet, what can we do about it?! And let's just trust that Clif is street-smart enough to know that our fandom is just as diverse in opinion/attitude/behavior as it is in age.


mimblexwimble January 27 2010, 20:35:01 UTC
I'm a little confused about those out there who are upset with Clif for tromping around the internet. I think he's doing good on Twitter, at least. I do worry a little about the possibility that he's been browsing spn_gossip and other similar wanky sites. Yet, what can we do about it?! And let's just trust that Clif is street-smart enough to know that our fandom is just as diverse in opinion/attitude/behavior as it is in age.

This. Plus, the fans who're worrying about looking bad are doing so much complaining that well... they're doing a good job of making themselves look bad on their own. If Clif does browse around, well, he's got every right, and just like we know that not all of this fandom is batshit, I'm sure he's realized it too. Or will.


tahirire January 27 2010, 22:43:07 UTC
Exactly. Methinks they do protest too much. ;)


dawnintheforest January 28 2010, 19:47:51 UTC
Yes, methinks people are unable to be happy/satisfied.


(The comment has been removed)

tahirire January 27 2010, 22:43:48 UTC
I know. You wouldn't BELIEVE some of the comments I've seen.

None from MY flist, though. You guys are made of awesome. :)


lembeau January 27 2010, 20:20:48 UTC
You know, it kind of makes me a little sad that they had to do this. Oh, boys. ♥ I love how they truly do love us.


tahirire January 27 2010, 22:44:42 UTC
Me too. But at least it confirms what we knew all along - they really are the best guys in the world. We are lucky to have them - I just wish people would appreciate that more.



mimblexwimble January 27 2010, 20:33:12 UTC
Aw, I love how they're such nice, caring guys.

Of course, hats off to certain parts of the fandom for overreacting as usual. Ironic, considering they mentioned fan support in the vid. *sigh*


tahirire January 27 2010, 22:47:17 UTC
Oh, of COURSE. Because, y'know. There is just so much love going around.


Oh, Jared. *hugs* Oh, Jensen. *hugs*



may7fic January 28 2010, 03:27:21 UTC
Thanks for posting this, hon. I'm not on any networking sites other than lj nor on any non-fic comms so I'd barely heard about the impersonators but I'm glad this statement from the boys is getting out there.

I'm appalled that some of fandom are coming up with something to backlash about but, that's fandom I guess. Me? I'm proud of the boys and appreciate them even more than I did before this vid came out.


tahirire January 28 2010, 03:32:02 UTC
As it should be. :)


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