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Comments 13

chiiyo86 January 22 2010, 23:09:28 UTC
Cute vids! I loved witnessing this watching experience (I usually watch the episodes on my own, in front of my computer...).

I wouldn't want to ever break up with Sam Winchester, that's for sure.

It would be terrible, yes.

He even does his vereh best David Caruso for her!

LOL. He does it so well!


tahirire January 23 2010, 17:23:42 UTC
I usually watch with my husband, but I actually prefer watching alone most nights. However, I NEVER get to see blacklid, except on my computer screen, so we had a BLAST watching it together. :)


lotr_lemmy January 23 2010, 06:32:48 UTC

Chucked by an Angel.

You are so freaking funny. Both you and Karina. Can't wait to go to a con with you guys again!!



tahirire January 23 2010, 17:24:54 UTC
LOL. Chucked by an angel was my favorite part, actually. It was extra funny b/c I'd had that dream about Chuck Bass. LOL.

I know, we should all totally get together again someday. The universe might asplode, but that'd be okay. :)


lotr_lemmy January 23 2010, 17:35:12 UTC
Haha, yeah. Dragon*Con?? lol

Or just a weekend. Totally needs to happen :P


alwaysenduphere January 23 2010, 06:35:49 UTC
You two are crazy. Crazy awesome dorks that is.


tahirire January 23 2010, 17:27:32 UTC
Guilty as charged, I'm afraid. :)


pinkphoenix1985 January 23 2010, 07:59:45 UTC
this is a fantastic ep review you guys :)


tahirire January 23 2010, 17:28:00 UTC
Thanks, lol. We had a good time. :)


may7fic January 24 2010, 18:14:10 UTC
Aside from how slow my computer was loading everything within this review, I adored watching/reading it! Looks like you had a blast and it was fun remembering the experience of watching this ep (albeit with my hubby!) for the first time :)


tahirire January 25 2010, 02:52:27 UTC
Yeah, you think waiting to LOAD them is a pain... *headdesk*

But it was worth it to have it as a reminder. :) I'm glad you liked it!


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