5.09 Episode Review, part 6

Jan 22, 2010 16:22

True story from work yesterday - we have a long handled lighter we use to heat fix slides before staining them to look at them under the microscope, and ours died, so I asked a smoker to borrow theirs and I could NOT get it to light. So apparently this actually IS an acquired skill set. Who knew.

Especially while driving. Which is irrelevant except for how no one should ever pull your hair while you drive. Or you might hit a Winnebago. Not that I have personal experience.

Ok, so - this is me cringing violently.


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I know this is astral fire or whatever, but doesn't it burn?


But yay! Rp!SamnDean killed the ghosts!


I really like how rp!SamnDean seem to stand there for a moment of silence, like the real SamnDean do. I've always liked that they do that. No matter how many people the ghost killed or how many times it tried to kill them, they were a person once. They are a respectful set of guys. I  think that in the books, it gets spelled out and that these two guys have picked up on not only their faults, but their shining good qualities as well. In fact I know they have; that's why they are fans.

Maybe we really should put these things on a bungee.

See, now, THAT I'd be on board with. Shotguns ... no.
That would be an OSHA violation.
Lol, Sam. Yer FACE.


Final commercial break ....

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I STILL say that this motel is haunted because they forgot to kill that little girl from Harper's Island that got possessed by a ghost because they never killed that little girl from Playthings. It's possible that in my mind, all things are connected.


I love it when they are all smiling. There needs to be more smiling.

When they tell Dean they don't think he gets it, I was torn between crying and squeeing really loud.
Hey people? THIS was the point of the whole episode.

All those times you thought to yourself, 'Man, I just wish I could tell Dean he's missing the point'? Well here you go, NOW YOU HAVE.

\o/ Congratulations! \o/

Straight from us to Kripke to Dean. So if you think this episode was nothing but a fandom chagrining fourth wall Hulk Smash, I would like to kindly say that perhaps now YOU have missed the point.

This isn't the first time Show has pointed out that pretty much any average Joe working some crap 9-5 job not making a difference in the world would trade tragic places with SamnDean in an instant. But I think it might be the first time DEAN heard it. I can relate, that's for sure.

I really think that the next 3 caps speak volumes, so I'll let them talk for themselves.

And then of course, the big reveal. Not ONE single person we talked to at the entire con called that rp!SamnDean were gay.
ComeON, REALLY!? Even I called it!

Those Dudes Are Gay

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The Demian and Barnes thing is AWESOME.

I never go to TWOP, but I know there is a lot of hate over there. When I found out the two mods were Demian and Barnes I about died. Kripke? You are awesome, sir. No question. That's a burn within a burn about a burn - that's a third degree burn!!


Now please stop reading Twop. Ok? Yer givin' me a headache.


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We're More Than Friends

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Awwww. Look how SORRY she looks! I wouldn't want to ever break up with Sam Winchester, that's for sure.

It's awesome how he lets her think he's heartbroken. He's such a sweetie.
He even does his vereh best David Caruso for her! Lol.

I know it's hard to let go, after all, they had ...

Undeniable Chemistry

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Dear Chuck and Becky,



Can anyone tell me why everyone was saying that the info on the Colt was 'thrown' in, like it was a totally last second thing? Because I'm sorry, but how is it NOT believable that a super crazy obsessed fangirl would know EVERY word of every book? And why are people so shocked that the books include scenes that don't feature the Winchesters?


Miiiiiiiiiiiiiister Crowley ....

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Hey guess what you guys. I think Dean heard you.


blacklid: Is his watch supposed to say 11:13 and it flipped on accident? Or, does this mean we've turned a corner? *ponders way too much*

It's always good to get back to the real Sam and Dean, but here's a note to Kripke -

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This is us watching the 'cut scenes'. I want to see the list of possibilities Kripke sent Rob. I hope there are a bunch of them on the gag reel.

Roll Credits

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And, this is us waiting for the promo to air.

It's Getting Hot in Here

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Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone who let us harass them into talking on the vid for us, and say hi to everyone we met. It was literally the best con ever. :) You guys rock. Even those of you who ... had nothing to say.

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cons: chicago con, samhair watch, thinky-thoughts, picspam, epic show pwns everything, episode review, *dies*

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