Carmila photos, 'cause I'm a DORK. *glee*

Jun 21, 2008 16:22

Ok, so some of you know that I sew, and this year I made my very first Cosplay, it is Carmila, the Vampire Queen from Vampire Hunter D. ( a really excellent anime, if you haven't seen it. It's kind of old.)

Anyway, here she is in all her glory. No, that's not my real hair. Yes, those are my real ... you know. *snerk* comments are love!

I plan to ( Read more... )

cons: megacon, projects, cosplay

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Comments 35

jezebeltruant June 24 2008, 00:30:02 UTC
..Wow! Fantastic!


tahirire June 24 2008, 14:08:03 UTC
Thank you!! :-) *glee*


gretazreta July 13 2008, 04:32:13 UTC
1. Wow you're beautiful.
2. That costume is freaking incredible.
3. Do you do theatre costume design?


tahirire July 13 2008, 14:11:41 UTC
1. Wow you're beautiful.

Lol, thanks - but anyone looks pretty after you dump about a ton of makeup and a wig on them and shove them into a corset ;D

2. That costume is freaking incredible.

Thank you! It gave me many a migraine, let me tell you. But in the end, my OCD for details paid off, I think.

3. Do you do theatre costume design?

I never have, but I always thought it would be fun. The only thing is, my RL job takes up most of my time *grumbles* I'd love to be able to devote more time to the sewing instead.


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