Carmila photos, 'cause I'm a DORK. *glee*

Jun 21, 2008 16:22

Ok, so some of you know that I sew, and this year I made my very first Cosplay, it is Carmila, the Vampire Queen from Vampire Hunter D. ( a really excellent anime, if you haven't seen it. It's kind of old.)

Anyway, here she is in all her glory. No, that's not my real hair. Yes, those are my real ... you know. *snerk* comments are love!

I plan to wear this next month to MetroCon in Tampa, if anyone will be there, come say hi! :-) *hugs*

There is a slight chance I will be willing to sell this costume - if the price is right. It is made of excellent and very pricey fabric, and LOTS OF IT, so it is worth quite a bit of money. Also doubles as a Renn. Faire dress.


My current project is Snapdragon, from a painting by Nene Thomas. *headdesk* I am such a massochist.

cons: megacon, projects, cosplay

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