Good heavens. (and new fanvid)

May 03, 2009 19:00

I think a nuke went off around here. O_O

Ok, flist. First, I suck and I have been failing at comment answering. Um - Im not going back to catch them, sorry. But I will be back now! \o/

Working on some ficcy things. Scraping together the courage to look over my BB draft. Getting ready for Alaska.

Regarding 4x20 - First off, all of this is still trueRead more... )

i stole blacklid's tag again, samndean, art imitates life imitating art, happy birthday, fanvid, epic show pwns everything, tahirire is a tag theif, tahirire needs counseling, thinky-thoughts

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Comments 37

irishka1205 May 4 2009, 01:13:52 UTC
Oooooh, awesome vid. Badass Sam still makes me weak at the knees. Great job!!!!

You are still going to make one after the season is over set to Wars by Hurt, right? Every time I hear that song, I can't wait to see the vid. :)


tahirire May 4 2009, 01:27:09 UTC
It's on my list - but I don't have a copy of it yet. Plus I need to see how the finale goes. I haz no spoilers, so I dunno if it will apply. ;)


irishka1205 May 4 2009, 01:48:01 UTC
You realize of course that I will bug you until you do, right? lol. I'm a pest :)


tahirire May 4 2009, 01:55:34 UTC
I'm counting on you not to let me forget! ;)


twasadark May 4 2009, 02:00:36 UTC
I didn't know you were a vidder, too! Such a talented fangirl! :-) Good job - I like the song and the clips you chose were chilling. &hearts Evil!Sam is breaking my heart ...


tahirire May 4 2009, 02:20:28 UTC

Sam isn't evil, babe. Give it time. ;)


twasadark May 4 2009, 02:38:51 UTC
I'm trying ... *wibbles*


datenshiblue May 4 2009, 14:03:27 UTC
Sam is definitely not evil.

I kind of worried about Dean, though.

...what? I'm a pagan, I haven't trusted the angels since day 1! ^^;;


(The comment has been removed)

tahirire May 4 2009, 10:02:21 UTC
Thanks!! Sam is such a badass sometimes, lol. ♥


lotr_lemmy May 4 2009, 03:08:18 UTC

Awesome vid!


tahirire May 4 2009, 10:02:47 UTC
I think I'm happy with it more or less. ;)


erinrua May 4 2009, 04:10:02 UTC
Fall of Envy!

You rock my socks, bb! You rock hard! ILU, clever girl!


tahirire May 4 2009, 10:03:17 UTC
I friggen' LOVE THEM, dude. LOVE.



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