Title: Summons
’Verse/characters: Wild Roses, Isael Sabaey, Krovir Aodh
Prompt: 059 "Food"
Word Count: 189
Rating: PG
Notes: The Isael in The Youngest was two wars and several years younger.
The candy is the best he can find, purchased still warm from the maker and wrapped in waxed paper. They’d eyed his coins in mild suspicion--by his family, he could ask for anything in the shop within nearly unreasonable reason--before accepting story-teller’s coins in exchange for goods. He’ll not depend on his father’s or his siblings once-established credit, when they are dead and he unremembering lives.
The candy he places on a sturdy oak table, just slightly off center, and he waits until he knows he is alone before saying the name, while focused on the gift.
His cousin appears, crosslegged and perched lightly on the table, catches up the bar of candy and sniffs at it thoughtfully.
Flips a small, filigree knife from a pocket as he unwraps the chocolate one-handed, shaves off a precise, tiny curl, which he lays on his tongue and lets dissolve before he asks, “and the paintings aren’t good enough for you?”
“This way, I’m assured of an answer, Cousin.” He cracks a smile as his cousin laughs delightedly, his fangs unhidden and his hair a natural curly red.