I can't sleep in the car, mainly because I need to be on my side or stomach to sleep comfortably. Audiobooks are awesome! I just wish they weren't so expensive. Do you buy or borrow?
I just rent them from the library. I've heard you can buy them on itunes (or similar) too. There are also some great podcasts you can download that are readings from short fiction. I like EscapePod.org (sci-fi) and their sister sites PodCastle.org (fantasy) and PseudoPod.org (horror).
The ads are annoying, but you can close them without having to watch the ad. The [x] usually pops up for me before the ad even loads. I've just had this for so long and most of my friends are on here. You're my only friend whose blog I read elsewhere...and I'm really bad a crossposting (or even regularly posting at all. Lol) >_> Sorry...
To each his own :) I understand completely of course - I'd never leave Wordpress. I use Google Reader to catch your posts so unless I want to comment I don't have to see the ads anyhow...
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