[ Once she's briefly scoped out the rubble of her own home -- and come up with damaged kitchen knife to keep on her as a weapon, because it's better than nothing -- Nepeta goes searching for other people in the ruins of Mayfield. All she wants is to find friendly or familiar faces, and if you stop long enough to talk to her, you'll probably get: ]
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I must confess complete ignorance of these circumstances. Have you been able to locate your lusus?
[ She droops a little with relief as he moves closer. ]
Are you okay? Pounce vanished, I can't find her anywhere...
Drat. I had hoped that Aurthuor's inexplicable absence was an anomaly. Have you encountered any other of our fellows? Presumably Karkat is implementing his standard crisis plan if he is still alive. I suspect that he is given that I have so far encountered a complete lack of actual threat in the vicinity, drones aside.
However, pattern recognition indicates that the situation will become far more hazardous in the near future. I expect you to remain within shouting distance and no further.
Our first course of action shall be to secure supplies. I expect that there will be a fierce competition for necessities if this is to be an extended incident.
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