Update #7 on the sex toy you can feel

Apr 04, 2016 18:31

It's been a busy month in smart sex-toy land.

We've just finished another round of testing of the third-stage prototype design, and ironed out some bugs that cropped up with the first incarnation of the current design. We've demonstrated conclusively that the idea works, and works well--even with the crude hardware we're currently using, we're able to trick the brain into internalizing the device into the wearer's sense of self.

It was fascinating watching the most recent beta testers. We tested with two volunteers. With one of the volunteers, I was able to tell the exact moment her brain worked out the sensation and internalized the dildo. She was running her hand along the dildo, and she said "I don't know, it feels weird and kind of uncomfortable, it just--" and then the switch flipped and she said "Oh!" and grinned.

Unfortunately, we're running into limitations in how much further we can take the design by ourselves, given that I'm building each prototype by hand. Right now, each prototype is a hand-made one-off that takes hundreds of dollars and several days' worth of work to put together. There's a lot of hand soldering of some very tiny and somewhat fiddly components involved with every new prototype, which then ends up getting tossed at the end of each round of testing. The current design can't be sterilized, so I have to build a new one each time we beta-test with a different person.

We're learning quite a lot from each test. One thing we've found is there's incredible variability between different people in internal anatomy and neurology. Some people are approximately evenly sensitive everywhere in the vaginal canal; some people are more sensitive in the lower portion of the vagina than the upper portion; some people are more sensitive on one side than the other. That means the final device will have to be tunable to each individual who wears it, with the wearer customizing the intensity of stimulation from each individual electrode. That adds a new level of complexity to the electronics, not to mention the user interface.

The current prototypes are built by modifying off-the-shelf dildos with sensors and electrodes. The prototypes use copper electrodes, which have a very short life expectancy; the final version may have to use gold for the electrodes. We're still researching that.

We're researching quite a lot, actually. Now that we know the concept is sound, we're moving toward a more research-intensive phase of development. Questions we're still addressing include things like what is the maximum sensory resolution inside the vagina, how does it vary in different areas of the vagina, how does it vary across different people, what is the safest electrode material that offers good durability while being body-safe, what's the minimum number of sensors the dildo must have to create the sensation of being part of the body, what's the maximum number of sensors and electrodes past which the wearer can't distinguish different sensations any more, and what's the best signal shape to stimulate the sensory nerves in the wearer without being painful or unpleasant. (The first versions of the prototypes used a very simple signal generator; the most recent version uses a programmable signal generator.)

The prototypes we've built so far have all had an insertable portion designed to be worn vaginally. We've had many people ask us about designs that don't require insertion, or that work with an anal insertable portion. That's also something we plan to experiment with; we want to find out whether stimulation of different parts of the body will achieve the same results. We plan to do some prototyping of designs that don't require vaginal insertion soon.

That's where you come in, O denizens of the Internet.

We are looking for people to partner with to help us do more sophisticated prototyping. Right now, we're in desperate need of a company interested in partnering with us that has experience doing short-run custom silicone molding, preferably in or near Vancouver, BC. We are also looking for an electronics engineer who is sex-positive and interested in this project, especially one with experience in doing switching and amplitude modulation of analog RF signals.

If you know of anyone with those skills who would like to be involved in this project, please let me know, either here or by email at franklin (at) franklinveaux (dot) com.

Want to keep up with developments? Here's a handy list of blog posts about it:
First post
Update 1
Update 2
Update 3
Update 4
Update 5
Update 6
Update 7
Update 8
Update 9

tech, mad science

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