Work Post: Number Crunching

Apr 12, 2010 21:05

Apparently, at work, we're going to start crunching more numbers. This means I have to increase the visibility and exposure of my work. Which would be great, not only because it's required, but people are still commenting and linking to my review of "Avatar ( Read more... )


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Comments 1

seraphprowess April 14 2010, 06:10:44 UTC
This is going to sound bad about me, but is it possible that part of the fact that Avatar article got so much more hype is bc you made it easy for us lazy people to read it by practically depositing it in our laps on lj? I mean, I like your writing, and I always MEAN to check out your blog, but I'm ashamed to say that even the topics mentioned other than Avatar made me go, "wait... I didn't read that one, did I? sounds interesting actually... but I'd have to go dig for that post when she gave the link to her blog in order to read it..." Maybe I'm the only one that lazy, but I'm admitting it here. Sorry for being so lame.


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