Well...fuck. 2016 rears it's ugly head....

May 29, 2016 15:48

Got a call from my brother today, my Aunt Mabel died. She was 87, the last of my dad's family, the last of 13 brothers and sisters, the last of that generation of people we grew up knowing and talking to and hearing about. My Dad's *family*, and they're all just...gone. Of course, there are cousins and things, but we were all younger than them and really never saw them much, and so it just feels like...everyone's gone.

I've been sitting here listening to some DVDs of reel-to-reel tapes they all made for each other back in the fifties and sixties, listening to my Uncle Hank talk about 'Mutnik' (Sputnik), and how he's watching it go over every night. And how they think Elvis is a 'little delinquent', getting his military service delayed so he can 'make a picture', and how does he own four Cadillacs with this crappy music he makes?

Listening to my avó (grandma) talk to her sons in Portuguese and all of them exclaiming over the amazing clock-alarm-radio that Uncle Nobby sent her for Christmas.... And looking at the tons of pictures that were with the DVDs, too, stuff from the twenties, when my dad was wee, and stuff from right before he died. *sigh* Lots of ugly sobbing.

And, too, my cousin Debbe's son just died two weeks ago, he wasn't even forty, and now her *mother* is dead. Jayzus. And I'm not even posting this for condolences or anything, I just...wanted to put it out there, and maybe let go a little.

So, there's that. In better, or at least, more interesting news...I organized a donation thing at my work for a local food bank, and we raised 150 dollars, which equals 750 meals for kids, seniors, and families in the Ozarks. That was pretty cool.

I also got a dozen or so blackberry cane seedlings in the mail from the Conservation dept., and I thought i had kind of killed them (they lived on my back porch in a bucket for two weeks), but I got them in the ground last week and they're thriving! My milkweed is coming up great, too, for the monarchs.

And last but not least, I posted another bit of 'Cracktrailer' fic over at AO3 - it's a pre-Crash 'verse 'Jason and Christian in the last months of high school' thing. I...shall link that momentarily when AO3 is back up.

And it's up! Alma Mater.

Still writing, still reading, still here. *waves*

Originally entered at http://tabaqui.dreamwidth.org/191331.html - comment where you please!

personal, cracktrailer

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